Yang Hyang-ja’Seriously Considered Prohibition of Short Sale Ended in March, Extension Measure’

“I have to give my answer in January and give the mayor time to prepare”

Most overlap with Donghak Ant’s investment item New Deal Fund

Together with Hyang-ja Yang, the top member of the Democratic Party, together with CEO Nak-yeon Lee, attends the Supreme Council’s meeting held at the Yeouido National Assembly in Seoul on the morning of the 11th. /yunhap news

On the 11th, Yang Hyang-ja, the top member of the Democratic Party, insisted, “We must seriously consider the extension of the ban on short selling, which is scheduled to be lifted in March.”

Supreme Commissioner Yang explained the background to the Supreme Council’s meeting, saying, “For the past year, the ruling party of the government has prepared an institutional mechanism to minimize the dysfunction of short selling. The resurgence of short selling encourages stock prices to fall, raising concerns that individual investors will suffer losses.

He urged, “The short selling system has a net function of calming down the overheated market,” he said. “At the latest in January, we need to give an answer (as long as the short selling ban extends) so that the market can secure time to prepare.” did. He added, “We need to induce the increased liquidity to eventually flow into the New Deal Fund and the industry of the future.”

Supreme Commissioner Yang argued for an extension of the ban on short selling and urged Donghak Ant as a patriotic investor investing in the future of Korea and the K New Deal. He said, “Only the proportion of individual investors in the KOSPI exceeded 65%, and the information technology (IT), semiconductors, bio-healthcare, and future cars and batteries that they invested in are key stocks that will become major investment destinations for the New Deal Fund in the future.” “Even in 2021, the system should be checked and supplemented so that Donghak ants can boldly and actively invest,” he said. / Reporter Park Jin-yong [email protected]

Together with Hyang-ja Yang, the highest member of the Democratic Party

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