“XX like XX”… YouTuber Gamst recovers after swearing at injured Son Heung-min

YouTube’Gamst Channel’ video capture © News1

After BJ Gamst poured abusive language at Son Heung-min during a live broadcast on YouTube, the controversy apologized for this.

Earlier, Son Heung-min started playing in the’North London Derby’ against Arsenal, but was replaced with’hamstring pain’ in the first half. Son Heung-min came out as a left wing striker during the ‘4-2-3-1’ formation that day. However, he suffered hamstring pain during a counterattack early in the game, and was replaced by Eric Lamela in the first 18 minutes, when he was tense 0-0. Son Heung-min lie down on the ground complaining of thigh pain after the 17-minute sprint in the first half, and was replaced immediately after talking with the coaching staff.

On the 16th, during a personal broadcast on Africa TV, Gamst said, “Why are you so upset that Son Heung-min was injured without really lying this time? XX-like XX” and received a lot of criticism from netizens.

On the same day, Gamst posted a video titled’Sorry’ on his YouTube channel and apologized. In this video, which took about a minute or so, Gamst bowed his head, saying, “I swear during the live broadcast during the daytime. It’s obviously my fault. I’m sincerely sorry for Son Heung-min.”

Gamst then said, “I didn’t know if I made such a remark even after I swear, and only after the viewers pointed out, I got to know,” he said, “I’m really sorry,” he apologized again.

In addition, he said, “I swear a lot for the excuse of internet broadcasting, and viewers and subscribers usually said a lot to reduce swearing, but I couldn’t accept it so much, and in the end I think I did such a big mistake. I’m really sorry. Son Heung-min.” As a soccer fan who has really liked and supported the player for a long time, I would like to say that I am sorry again because it seems to have caused damage due to my remarks.”

At the same time, Gamst lowered his head again, saying, “I will directly apologize to Son Heung-min.

Gamst’s apology video was watched by more than 1.14 million people (at 8:40 am on the 17th) and was attracting great interest.

Many netizens who watched it said, “Whether it’s unconscious or a habit, this is wrong behavior”, “If the curse sticks to your mouth so you don’t even know what you said, you don’t know what will happen later”, “It seems to be a mistake, but this opportunity took place. I wish I could reduce the swearing by a little,” and “I’m really a Gamst fan, but I need to reduce the swearing.”

Gamst is a popular YouTuber with 2.30 million subscribers. During the 2018 Jakarta-Palembang Asian Games, he worked as a soccer digital commentator at MBC, and in the same year, he gained public recognition by winning the Rookie Award at the MBC Broadcasting Entertainment Awards.

In addition, in June 2019, there was controversy over sexual harassment statements against a specific female BJ during live broadcasts on African TV, so he stopped working as an ambassador for the K-League and dropped off from all the programs he was appearing.

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