WP “British people also prefer Pfizer vaccine”… AstraZeneca is cold rice?

Input 2021.02.22 15:10

“I want to get a high-performance Pfizer vaccine” VS “Let’s get a domestic vaccine”
Some avoided AstraZeneca vaccination.
AstraZeneca 65 years of age or older is banned in some European countries

The game is in full swing in the UK over the AstraZeneca vaccine and the vaccine developed by Pfizer-Bioentech. The test results show that Pfizer’s vaccine has better performance, so there are cases where patients who choose to get the AstraZeneca vaccine cancel the vaccine.

The Washington Post (WP) reported on the 22nd (local time) that the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) does not offer a vaccine option, but opinions are still diverging around it. The UK manages the purchase, distribution and vaccination of vaccines in the public health service NHS.

Prime Minister Johnson visits a vaccination center in Cumbran, southern Wales on the 17th, and looks at the AstraZeneca-Oxford University’s Corona 19 vaccine. /AP Yonhap News

Whether you are rich or poor, you cannot cut the vaccine sequence or choose the type. However, some of the health care workers have room to tell their family members and friends where and what vaccines are given, the WP said.

Some may schedule an appointment and cancel the vaccine if it is not what they want.
The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI) in the UK said that both Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines “are very safe and protect against serious deterioration.”

In the case of the U.S., only two types of vaccines, Pfizer and Moder, and Pfizer, which have an effect of 95% through the “messenger ribonucleic acid” (mRNA, messenger RNA) method, are being used, so there is no notice. .

On the other hand, the United Kingdom and the European Union (EU) have approved three types of vaccines, including AstraZeneca vaccines based on traditional vaccine development methods in addition to Pfizer and Modena. Unlike Pfizer and Modena, the AstraZeneca vaccine is 60-70% effective.

The effect was 62% in two clinical trials, including phase 2 and 3 clinical trials in the UK and phase 3 clinical trials in Brazil, and an analysis by UK regulatory authorities found that both vaccinations reduced symptomatic Corona 19 by 70%.

Accordingly, French medical workers and Italian teachers are demanding a vaccine from Pfizer or Moder instead of AstraZeneca, and Germany has refused to receive AstraZeneca vaccine.

In particular, this trend is reinforced with news that the AstraZeneca vaccine may not be effective against the mutations first discovered in South Africa. In some countries in the EU, AstraZeneca vaccine will not be given to people over 65 years of age because of the lack of sufficient clinical trial results.

However, WP said that many people in the UK actually prefer the AstraZeneca vaccine. They have confidence in the de facto’British vaccine’ developed by researchers at Oxford University, a world-renowned university. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s boasting that AstraZeneca was “made by our brilliant British scientists” also affected.

Meanwhile, many experts point out that it is important to rush the vaccine regardless of Pfizer or AstraZeneca. In the UK, a quarter of the population has already received at least one vaccination, and the number of confirmed corona19 has been decreasing. This is due to the current tertiary blockade, but the analysis suggests that vaccination may also be due to the beginning to show some effect.
