Would not it be nice if IU and climbing … Dreams become reality

Singer and actress IU is to act as ambassadors of the “ Black Yak outdoor brand.

Black Yak said that progress in the last 27 days full online and offline advertising campaign, with IU.

IU represents a 20-30 call themselves beginners’ climbing mountains such Lin Lin “ La ads in this campaign.

Black Yak currently operates the’Black Yak Alpine Club’ (BAC) Challenge Team, the largest mountain climbing community platform in Korea.

The community currently has 200,000 members, and it is reported that 80,000 people joined last year, of which half are in their 20s to 30s.

Black Yak said, “IU is representative of the MZ generation has its own professional conduct by independent artists,” said “IU also ‘mountain children’ yeoseo experience yourself healthy hike culture and will serve to inform attractive to young people “I emphasized.

Earlier, Kolon Sports selected actors Kim Hye-ja, Gong Hyo-jin, and Ryu Jun-yeol as models and won the bronze statue and finalist at the 2020 Seoul Film Advertising Festival on the 8th.

In the 2019 FW season actor Kim Hye-ja’s’TRUST’, and the 2020 FW season actors Gong Hyo-jin and Ryu Jun-yeol, were selected as the finalist for the’#somewhere’ campaign.

Actor Shin Min-ah has been active as a North Face model since 2019 and has been active in various campaigns.

The reason that the outdoor industry has chosen a top star as a model is because the 2030 generations who enjoy climbing alone with a novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) have increased.

A member of BAC said, “With Corona 19, I can’t travel abroad, and the easiest way to do outdoor activities is hiking.”

Lee Mo (21), a college student who recently started climbing, said, “At first, I went to a mountain close to a frustrated heart, but now it has become a hobby.” “The footsteps naturally move toward the door.”

An official in the outdoor industry said, “In the past, mainly middle-aged people went to the mountain, but now, the younger people of all age groups are increasing.”

[이상규 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
