‘Worst Experience’ Britain is also starting to return to daily life… The school will open on the 8th of next month.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a policy to ease social distancing over four stages on the 22nd (local time). [로이터=연합뉴스]

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a policy to ease social distancing over four stages on the 22nd (local time). [로이터=연합뉴스]

UK eases distance in four steps
Face-to-face classes, private meetings allowed, etc. sequentially
“Data on the reduction of confirmed vaccinations come out”

The UK, where a quarter of the people were vaccinated against Corona 19, prepared a plan to ease the blockade over four stages and started to return to daily life. According to local media reports such as the BBC on the 21st (local time), the first phase easing will be implemented twice on the 8th and 29th of the following month. First, on the 8th of the following month, the school will open the door and resume class. The UK entered a third blockade earlier last month and most schools were closed. Outdoor physical education classes are also held by resuming face-to-face classes.

Also, visits to nursing homes are limited from the 8th, and social activities such as drinking coffee with a friend in a public place are possible. Currently, you cannot meet outsiders unless you have a special relationship, such as family members, and you cannot go out of the house for leisure purposes.

On the 29th, outdoor gatherings for 2 families or up to 6 people are allowed. Outdoor sports facilities such as tennis and soccer are also open.

On the 5th, Regent Street, a major shopping street in London, UK, is busy.  The UK has virtually'paused' after enacting the third blockade last month. [AFP=연합뉴스]

On the 5th, Regent Street, a major shopping street in London, UK, is busy. The UK has virtually’paused’ after enacting the third blockade last month. [AFP=연합뉴스]

After that, the Telegraph reported that the second phase was initiated from April to June, and the social distancing mitigation policy was implemented one step each month. When Phase 2 is implemented, non-essential retail stores can also do business, and restaurants and outside bars will also open. In May, when the third phase is in effect, indoor restaurants and beauty salons can also be opened. Following that, it plans to restore daily life one by one until the fourth stage of lifting regulations on the tourism industry, such as allowing summer vacations.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said, “This plan will take us out of the containment little by little,” and “it will be reviewed every step of the way.” “Our priority has always been to get our children back to school,” he added. “And we will always prioritize how people can get together safely with their loved ones.”

However, in order for each mitigation policy to be implemented as scheduled, there are four prerequisites: ▶Successful vaccine distribution, ▶Continuous evidence that the vaccine reduces hospitalization and mortality ▶Low infection rate without the risk of a surge in hospitalization rate ▶Confidence that the vaccine is not threatened by mutations It said that conditions were necessary.

Prime Minister Johnson presents the plan to the cabinet in the morning of the 22nd, and then reveals the details through a press conference in the afternoon.

The UK was ranked as one of the countries with the worst response to Corona 19 until last month. After the outbreak of Corona 19, only three national blockades were enforced in March, November and last month. The first containment order was lifted too early, and the second containment order was enforced too late, causing criticism that the number of infected people had soared.

As the number of new confirmed cases per day exceeded 50,000 last month, Prime Minister Johnson personally came out and said, “I do not add any exaggeration. It was the worst situation since last March.”

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the third COVID-19 blockade on the 5th of last month.  He’s here

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the third COVID-19 blockade on the 5th of last month. He feared that it was “the worst situation since March last month without exaggerating.” [AP=연합뉴스]

The reason the UK, which was struggling with Corona 19, slowly announced that it would ease the blockade is because of vaccination. According to Bloomberg News’ Corona 19 vaccine tracker, 26.3% of British people have completed the first dose. It is the highest among countries with a population of over 10 million.

British Health Minister Matt Hancock said on the 21st, “The evidence is not yet complete, but there are data showing that the spread of the virus is decreasing among those who have been vaccinated.” The UK government has also advanced the schedule to complete the first vaccination for all adults from September to the end of July.

Reporter Seok Kyung-min [email protected]
