“Worldwide vaccine population immunity, only available mid-next year” UK EIU analysis

It is predicted that securing global population immunity through the COVID-19 vaccination will only be possible in the middle of 2022. The reason is that vaccinations in low-income countries will be delayed due to a supply imbalance caused by vaccination stockpiling in some high-income countries and the huge vaccination costs.

UK Economic Analysis Agency EIU Report

Australia has started vaccinating Pfizer-Bioentech Corona 19 from the 21st (local time).  Australia's first vaccinator, Jane Malysiak, 84, is getting an injection at a hospital in Sydney. [AFP=연합뉴스]

Australia has started vaccinating Pfizer-Bioentech Corona 19 from the 21st (local time). Australia’s first vaccinator, Jane Malysiak, 84, is getting an injection at a hospital in Sydney. [AFP=연합뉴스]

On the 21st (local time), the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), an economic analysis agency in the UK, said in a report on’Corona 19 Vaccine: Expected Delay’: I will start.”

According to this, the European Union (EU), such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany and France, are among the first countries in the world to complete vaccination for the entire population.

It is expected that these countries will end vaccination of priority groups such as the elderly, patients with underlying diseases and medical staff by the end of March as early as the end of June and at the latest in June. In the case of the United States, since the inauguration of the Joe Biden administration, EIU predicted that the plan to “hit 100 million people within 100 days of inauguration” is also feasible as the speed of vaccination has been accelerated.

Corona 19 vaccine Sputnik V developed in Russia. [AP=연합뉴스]

Corona 19 vaccine Sputnik V developed in Russia. [AP=연합뉴스]

In addition, as vaccinations in high-income countries accelerate, there is also a forecast that the global economy will rebound in the third quarter of this year and then return to a rapid recovery.

Population immunity slowed due to vaccine supply problem

However, EIU’s analysis is that even in developed countries that have completed the vaccination, it will be difficult to immediately return to the pre-Corona 19 crisis. This is because many countries other than these countries saw that immunization takes longer.

Russia, Brazil, and Mexico are the regions that have been vaccinated next to the US and Europe by EIU. The timing of completion of vaccination in these countries is predicted to be in mid-2022.

EIU Prospects Corona Vaccination Prospects.  Graphic = Reporter Kim Kyung-jin capkim@joongang.co.kr

EIU Prospects Corona Vaccination Prospects. Graphic = Reporter Kim Kyung-jin [email protected]

The vaccine supply problem was pointed out as the main reason that these countries’ vaccination rates lag behind those of high-income countries. According to EIU, some countries, including developed countries, have pre-ordered half of the 12.5 billion batches expected to be produced by major pharmaceutical companies this year. Therefore, the countries that signed the contract later had problems with the supply of vaccines and the vaccination was delayed.

However, it is predicted that Russia, which develops and produces vaccines in-house, and Latin American countries such as Brazil and Mexico, which secured vaccines in exchange for consignment production, will be able to finish the vaccination as the second highest in the world. In addition, it is estimated that Korea, Japan, and Australia will also complete the vaccination by mid-2022. However, EIU explained that the immunization could be done sooner depending on the financial situation, medical resources, population size and political will.

China and India have large populations in late 2022

On the other hand, the timing of completion of vaccinations in China and India was pushed back to the late 2022. Although it has started before self-development and rapid acquisition, it is predicted that due to the large population, vaccination at the level to reach collective immunity will be possible only at the end of next year.

On the 20th, a corona19 vaccination site in Beijing, China.  China was vaccinated early, but due to its large population, EIU said it would only complete the vaccination in late 2022. [신화통신=연합뉴스]

On the 20th, a corona19 vaccination site in Beijing, China. China was vaccinated early, but due to its large population, EIU said it would only complete the vaccination in late 2022. [신화통신=연합뉴스]

It was predicted that the vaccinations of poor countries, such as Africa, were “dark”. These low-income countries plan to rely on COVAX, a vaccine alliance led by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Association for Vaccine Immunization (GAVI) to receive vaccines.

Kovacs plans to distribute 2 billion doses of vaccine equally around the world by the end of this year. However, only 1.07 billion doses have been secured so far with vaccine stocking in high-income countries.

It is predicted that the vaccination process will not be smooth even after receiving the vaccine due to insufficient storage facilities, manpower, and financial difficulties. Accordingly, full-fledged vaccination is expected to begin only in 2023.

Reporter Lee Min-jung [email protected]
