‘World Women’s Day’ a letter from a rape perpetrator is actually a French daily newspaper

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“I raped you, Alma.”

A major French daily newspaper faced criticism after posting an open letter claiming to have raped his ex-girlfriend on the 8th (local time), International Women’s Day.

Liberacion filled half of the front page of the newspaper published on the 8th with a picture of a woman being overpowered by a man under the heading’A letter from the perpetrator to the victim’.

In a letter, the 20-year-old perpetrator Samuel (pseudonym) admitted in April 2019 that he raped Alma, who attended the Bordeaux campus of the French Political University (IEP) “SciencesPo”.

Alma is a person who filmed the story of being in a psychiatric department since the end of last year because he was unable to escape from the shock of being raped by his boyfriend in the past in January and shared it online.

With Alma’s confession, there were fewer posts on social media (SNS), such as Instagram and Twitter, that complained of sexual assault in Xiangspoh, and the school promised to prepare a countermeasure.

In his long letter, Samuel looked back at the factors that had influenced him to commit sexual assaults against his lover, and admitted that he “spoiled part of the life of the person I loved the most.”

Liberacion drew a line that the decision to release this letter, saying, “The voice of the perpetrator must not obscure the voice of the victim,” he said.

He explained that he had obtained Alma’s permission to disclose the letter in advance by contacting the team investigating the case in Xiangspore.

“Alma was relieved that he admitted that the perpetrator had raped him,” said Liberacion, and said he would proceed with the complaint as soon as he was ready.

In addition, he added that he contacted Samuel and warned in advance that even if the letter goes anonymous, he has no choice but to hand over his personal information at the request of law enforcement authorities.

Despite Liberacion’s explanation, weekly magazine Robs reported that the accusations that it is a problem to report the perpetrator’s allegations online in such detail is a problem.

The women’s group’NousToutes’ posted on Twitter: “A letter from a man who raped a victim being treated in a hospital was posted on the front page and promoted on March 8 is violence against hundreds of thousands of other female victims.” Pointed out.
