Woori Finance launches funding and publicity support to good small business owners

Woori Financial Group Chairman Son Tae-seung (center) is taking a commemorative photo at Woori Bank's headquarters on the 19th with small businessmen who were selected as'the best store in our neighborhood' (photo = Woori Financial Group).
Woori Financial Group Chairman Son Tae-seung (center) is taking a commemorative photo at Woori Bank’s headquarters on the 19th with small businessmen who were selected as’the best store in our neighborhood’ (photo = Woori Financial Group).

Woori Financial Group selected 100 small business owners who share, donate, and volunteer activities despite the prolonged economic hardship of the novel coronavirus (Corona 19) as “good shops in our neighborhood” to provide emergency living funding, promotion and marketing. It was announced on the 21st that the application has begun.

Woori Financial Group targets 100 selected small business owners ▲Emergency living fund support of up to KRW 1 million including tax and utility bills and rental fees ▲Promotion of customized digital posters for each store using Woori Bank branches near Sunhan stores ▲Woori Bank smart banking application (app) Promotion through’WON Banking’ ▲We will conduct a special exhibition using Woori Card’s open market platform’Webi Market’.

Woori Financial Group Chairman Son Tae-seung said, “I hope this project will be a little help to small business owners who share good influence with marginalized neighbors, and an opportunity for good influence to spread.”

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