Wonderful rumors Sora Kim reveals affectionate ending

Sora Kim (Photo=OCN'Wonderful Rumor'/Big Boss Entertainment)

Sora Kim (Photo=OCN’Wonderful Rumor’/Big Boss Entertainment)

‘Wonderful rumors’ So-ra Kim shared his affectionate ending.

Kim So-ra performed a decomposition and hot performance from OCN Saturday’s original’Amazing Rumors’ to Gamo Tak’s underworld partner’Giran’. Appearing as a principleist, showing off a strong charisma with a cooler appearance than anyone else, and revealing the warmth hidden behind the coolness, revealing a unique presence despite his short appearance.

In particular, Kim So-ra not only melted into the character with visuals such as all-back hair and strong makeup, but also perfectly digested’Gi-ran’ with a uniquely detailed expressive, straightforward tone and cool eyes, and added tension in the drama.

Sora Kim, who caught the eye with such a solid acting ability, said, “Thanks to the’wonderful rumors’, I was happy to meet phenomenal fellow actors, phenomenal staff, and phenomenal viewers. For me, it was an honor to be able to do a good work of’Amazing Rumors’.”

He continued, “Because the character’Giran’ is not a character in the real world, I felt a lot of burden and lack of it myself. However, in the process, it seems to have been a valuable time to think about acting once again. I am grateful to the many people who have been interested and supported me.

Meanwhile, the final episode of’Wonderful Rumors’ is aired at 10:30 tonight.

Joon-Hyun Lee, Reporter of Hankyung.com Entertainment and Issue Team
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