Won Hee-ryong “Jeju 2nd Airport, expecting a wise decision from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport”

Won Hee-ryong Jeju Branch. Hankook Ilbo data photo

On the 19th, Jeju Governor Won Hee-ryong said on the 19th, “Now, we hope that we will mark the end of the conflict over the 2nd airport and join the power of the residents as one.” Said.

Governor Won said, “The survey was completed to collect the opinions of the residents on the construction of Jeju 2nd Airport.” I am grateful to the 9 media companies affiliated with the Jeju Island Journalists Association,” he said. He added, “We will quickly deliver the results of the survey as they are to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport through the Joint Process Management Committee in consultation with the Jeju Provincial Council.”

At the request of the Dodo and Provincial Council, nine media companies belonging to the Jeju Journalists Association jointly conducted a public opinion survey for residents of Jeju 2nd Airport from the 15th to the 17th, and released the results on the 18th. The survey was conducted by two specialized public opinion polls, Gallup Korea and Mbrain Public, for a total of 5,000 people, including 2,000 residents aged 19 and over, and 500 residents of Seongsan-eup, the site of Jeju 2nd Airport. It proceeded in the way of asking. As a result of the Embrain Public survey, the proportion of respondents who disagreeed among residents was 51.1%, which was higher by 7.3 percentage points than 43.8% in favor. The results of the Gallup Korea survey were within the margin of error, but the opposite (47%) was 2.9% higher than the favor (44.1%). On the other hand, in a survey of only the residents of Seongsan-eup, unlike the results of the public opinion polls of the citizens of the city, the approval opinion was found to be 30% higher than the objection. Gallup Korea was surveyed with 64.9% of’Agree’, 31.4% of’Disagree’, 65.6% of’Agree’ and 33% of’Disagree’ for Embrain Public.

Gallup Korea has 2,019 male and female residents over 19 years old (sampling error ±2.2%, confidence level 95%), Seongsan-eup residents 504 (sample error ±4.4%, confidence level 95%), and Embrain Public is 2,000 residents (sampling error ± 2.19%, confidence level 95%), and 500 residents of Seongsan-eup (sample error ±4.38%, confidence level 95) were surveyed, respectively. For more information, refer to the website of the Central Election Polls Review Committee.

Kim Young Heon reporter

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