Won-dollar exchange rate weakened… Mid- to 1090 won

On the morning of the 29th, the won/dollar exchange rate fell slightly.

In the Seoul foreign exchange market, the won/dollar exchange rate as of 9:09 am on the day was 1,096.0 won per dollar, down 0.7 won from the previous day’s closing price.

The exchange rate started at 1,097.5 won per dollar, up 0.8 won, but soon turned to a decline.

At the end of the year, the atmosphere of preference for risky assets such as currencies from emerging markets has been maintained.

This is because concerns about US stimulus measures and’no-deal Brexit’ (UK’s withdrawal from the EU) have been resolved.

U.S. President Donald Trump signed a budget plan that included stimulus measures for the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19), and the UK and the European Union (EU) concluded negotiations on future relations, including a trade agreement.

The dollar was mixed despite maintaining the sentiment for risky assets.

The dollar was strong against the Japanese yen and the British pound, but weak against the euro.

The exchange rate on this day is expected to be affected by the movement of the dollar and the renminbi, and the trends of the domestic stock market.

Seungji Jeon, a researcher at Samsung Futures, predicted that “the day before, as the end of the year, the transaction volume did not reach 3 billion dollars, and limited transactions are expected today.”

At the same time, the KRW/yen financial exchange rate is 1,056.74 KRW per 100 yen.

It was 3.23 won from the standard price (1,059.97 won) at 3:30 pm the previous day.

Won/dollar exchange rate weakened...  Up and down in the middle of 1,090 won

/yunhap news

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