Women: Society: News: Hankyoreh

The power of the people without substance,’the politics of appealing for victims of this man’… Hatching Conflict Democratic Party

Ha Tae-kyung, Congressman of the People's Power, captures Facebook

Ha Tae-kyung, Congressman of the People’s Power, captures Facebook

“102030 my comrades! Love it. Thank you. I will not forget today.” (April 7th Congressman Ha Tae-gyeong Facebook) “The four years of effort…I like this today…” (Remarks of former Supreme Commissioner Lee Jun-seok) 4·7 By-election terrestrial 3 Immediately after the results of the exit survey came out, Rep. Ha Tae-kyung and former Supreme Commissioner Lee Jun-suk were thrilled with the estimated 72.5% approval rating for men in their twenties. Two politicians who are no longer in their twenties or youth claim that they have been devoted to’this man’ (a man in his twenties) who suffered from various reverse discrimination through radical feminism. For them, the result of this by-election is the fruit of the politics of “two men’s victimization complaints” over the years. In politics, various analyzes are being scattered about why the vote of a male in his 20s, revealed in this by-election, turned to the people’s power. However, it is rare to analyze whether the politics of this man’s victimization claim is truly real. It is pointed out that in academia and women’s circles, there is only a rhetoric that stimulates the reverse discrimination sentiment of some men in their twenties, whose politics claiming victims of this man is against feminism, but there are no policy alternatives to improve the lives of young people. Furthermore, he fears that feminism or the frame of blaming the socio-economic hardships of men in their twenties on women in their twenties could intensify gender conflict in a dangerous way.

Started aiming at Warmade in 2018 Put the reverse discrimination frame in front

The two politicians started the’war’ with feminism from the 2018 Warmade debate about radical feminism. Rep. Ha Tae-gyeong started the attack on the man’s vote in the case of illegal shooting of a man secretly taken in August 2018 in Warmad, and former Supreme Court Lee Jun-seok’s assault in Isu station in November of that year. The two politicians who belonged to the Barunmirae Party, whose approval ratings seldom rose among the two major parties at the time, seem to have judged men in 2030, who felt reverse discrimination, as undiscovered tables. From this time on, active speech on the issue of gender conflict begins. Cultural critic Son Hee-jeong pointed out, “It is a plan to turn a man who says’I am a victim’ who appeared in Korean society since 2010, and is a unique case in the world in terms of men’s’identity politics’.” The two politicians mainly put forward a frame of reverse discrimination, saying, “With the rise of radical feminism, men in 2030 who have not experienced gender dominance unlike the middle-aged are rather reverse discrimination.” Here, the target of encouraging gender conflict and taking away men’s pies in 2030 was the radical feminist forces, and the Democratic Party was defined as a political party swayed by such radical feminism. Rep. Ha Tae-kyung initiated legislation aimed at radical feminism by proposing the Warmad Closure Act and the Alpes Penalty Act. Former top committee member Lee Jun-suk, who is a foreigner, has mainly kept pace with debates and Facebook. The so-called’youth politics’ of the former Supreme Commissioner has also advanced to the level of denying the gender-discriminatory structure in this election phase. Se-hoon Oh, former head of the Seoul Mayor’s Candidate Camp New Media Headquarters, posted this post on Facebook when he received public inquiries about gender equality policies from youth groups during the last by-election. “I will not answer you. For safety, suicide, and digital sex crime, what is the need for gender separation? Please don’t force anachronistic feminism.” “There are more male suicides than female suicides,” and “male digital sex crimes are also increasing rapidly,” so these issues are no longer a gender issue. Recently, the suicide rate of women in their twenties is increasing rapidly, overwhelming other genders and generations.This is an argument that intentionally omits the fact that the majority of digital sex crime victims are underage women.

“It’s just a rhetoric that uses anti-feminism, but there’s no content.”

Experts note that, while repeating the claim that’sex discrimination has already disappeared and is going to reverse discrimination’, they are still silent about specific policies for solving the youth problem. There is only a rhetoric to collect votes for male youth who are against feminism, and there is no content. Kim Hyun-young, director of the Institute for Women’s Reality, said, “If you are a responsible politician, you will not end with affirming that’it is not a gender issue’ for the youth suicide rate and digital sex crimes, but talk about what policy alternatives they have for the problems faced by both men and women. It will be the order. However, the former Supreme Commissioner stops at negating the issue itself. Not a politician attitude, but a critic attitude.” Congressman Ha and former Supreme Commissioner Lee pointed out that youth politics over the past four years has been mostly commentary except for some legislation aimed at radical feminism. Congressman Ha criticized soldiers for using mobile phones and apologized for “becoming a Tang army,” an example of the limitations of these politics. Regarding the Ministry of National Defense’s policy of using mobile phones after work in January 2019, Congressman Ha said, “I will stay overnight with phone games in the evenings and weekends.” “If the military is so comfortable that it is no different from outside, military service is really wasteful, life waste. ”Commented. Later, as criticism continued among men in their twenties, saying, “I don’t know the reality of military service,” he apologized, saying, “I made a mistake.” Critic Son Hee-jeong said, “It is an incident that reveals that he will do politics for men in their twenties, but it turns out that there is no basic study on human rights issues in the military, which is the biggest problem faced by his peers.”

Is this man’s socio-economic hardship to blame for feminism?… Concerns about’politics of resentment’

There is also an analysis that the frame of gender conflict between Lee Jun-seok and Ha Tae-kyung-sik distorts the forum itself for solving the social and economic problems facing young people. Seo Bok-kyung, a senior researcher at Sogang University’s Modern Political Research Institute, said, “It is a fact that young people in their twenties suffer from delays in transition due to the economic crisis caused by the corona, especially in the case of men, due to military problems. However, these socio-economic problems were not caused by women in their twenties. “The reduction of jobs due to the rapid change in the market structure, the education system problem that cannot pursue it, and the lack of policy support have all emerged.” The frame that turns the plight of young men in their twenties into gender conflicts prevents a precise analysis of socio-economic problems. Some voices warn of the danger, seeing their youth politics as a kind of’politics of resentment’ that promotes conflict between their twenties. Shin-Ah Shin, a professor of sociology at Hallym University, borrowed the words of the German philosopher Nietzsche, and saw the politics of their politics as a kind of politics of ‘Resentium’ (French for ‘want’). Professor Shin said, “The politics of creating and projecting a scapegoat group without properly analyzing the causes of frustration and failure experienced by a specific group, and the politics that agglomerate and reinforce a specific group while constantly hating the scapegoat group are called’politics of resentment’. Is called. (In Lee Joon-seok’s remarks, etc.) Such an early political aspect of resentment can be seen.” It is an analysis that the causes of social and economic failure experienced by men in their twenties are projected onto an imaginary enemy of women in their twenties who benefit from gender equality policies, and they are carrying out politics in a way that organizes the votes of men in their twenties. Professor Shin said, “It may be good to collect votes right now, but in the long run, it can go into a very dangerous and violent form socially.” He was concerned. “Wouldn’t the women in their twenties who became the sacrificial sheep group remain still?”

Some Democratic Party “Abandon Women’s Preferential Keynote”

Some Democratic Party lawmakers accepted the argument of former Supreme Commissioner Lee Jun-seok as it was, and began to analyze that “the democratic party’s policy for women preferentially is the factor of election defeat.” It is a formula that if you imitate the politics of the man’s victimization complaint, you can recover the lost votes. At an in-party election review meeting, one re-elected member said, “The reason we lost the approval rating of men in their 20s in the April 7 by-election was because of feminism.” (April 14). Councilor Yongin said, “We need to change the policy for women preferential treatment in relation to gender. Men are also weak and victims.” In 2019, the declining factor of male approval ratings for men in their 20s was “expressing dissatisfaction with the Moon Jae-in administration’s’pro-female’ policy stance” President’s Directive Policy Planning Committee Current Report LogicIt’s a rethrow. There is also a disagreement from the inside as to whether the Democratic Party has implemented a policy for preferential treatment for women. Former Democratic Party Supreme Commissioner Park Seong-min posted on his Facebook page on the 16th“The Democratic Party has gone all-in on women’s policy” in the “lazy and easy analysis” he said. “The party’s poor response to the sexual abuse incident of the local government, the process of passing a bill related to the sluggish women’s safety, the lack of gender sensibility revealed by the second intimidating remarks against the victims” reveals that the premise of women’s policy all-in defeat is wrong. Is. It is pointed out that it is rather the current politics that divides the young generation by gender while discussing gender conflict. In a commentary released on the 16th, Yeo, Se, and Yeon of the Institute for Gender Politics said, “Interpreting the outcome of the election as a gender conflict is an attempt to cover up the problem of the structure that makes life difficult for young people.” It takes them away, causes them to be attributed to the minority and the weak, and eventually leads those excluded from the rescue to aim at each other.” The politics of this man’s victimization is more of a fake frame to cover the incompetence of the politicians who are unable to solve the social and economic structural problems facing young people. The issue of regressive gender conflict politics in the public sphere, driven by the first opposition party seeking the next presidential election and followed by some of the defensive ruling party, also serves as another signal. Even if you use sexist words and actions in daily life, it can be accepted as a sign that it’s okay, and the psychological boundaries of self-censoring sexist words and actions can be broken. Recently, as it became known that the Seoul Suicide Prevention Center is running a program for women in their twenties, people who oppose it posted a bunch of posts containing hate speeches on the center’s website. On the 13th, a store owner of GS 25, a convenience store, posted a job posting for gender discrimination, saying, “Anyone who is not a feminist”. A female scholar, who was reluctant to reveal his name, said, “Soon, Korean society has also made hate speeches normal and routine, and it may face a situation in which many figures such as Trump, who remain in effect, appear.” By Lim Jae-woo, staff reporter [email protected]
