With 10 incentives in operating profit… Comprehensive end of labor-management conflict at SK Hynix

SK hynix performance-based labor-management agreement
Every year, 10% of operating income is paid incentives
Employees can also choose the payment method of employee stock ownership

SK Hynix headquarters in Icheon, Gyeonggi-do/Photo provided by SK Hynix

SK Hynix headquarters in Icheon, Gyeonggi-do/Photo provided by SK Hynix

SK hynix had a conflict last year over the amount of excess profit distribution(126,000 +0.40%) Labor and management agreed on a plan to pay incentives.

SK hynix held a central labor-management council at its headquarters in Icheon, Gyeonggi-do on the 10th, and announced that it has decided on a plan for △improving the PS calculation standard and △200% of the basic salary, which was agreed on in relation to the incentive pay.

SK Hynix’s labor and management decided to change the PS payment standard from’Economic Value Added (EVA)’ to’Operating Profit’. The labor and management agreed to use 10% of operating profit for PS resources.

In addition, PS payment estimates are disclosed at the beginning of the year and quarterly so that members can predict how much they will receive in the next year.

The employee stock payment method was also made available. SK hynix allows members to choose one of the options for purchasing stocks equivalent to 200% of the basic salary at a 30% discount for the members to receive free of charge.

An official from SK Hynix said, “The company plans to provide loans to relieve the financial burden of members who purchase at a discounted price.” “We will hold an employee stock ownership briefing session for members next month and transfer stocks after approval by the board of directors in early April. “I’m going to do it.”

SK Hynix CEO Lee Seok-hee said through an in-house message after the labor-management agreement on the 4th, “I have heard more members’ hearts than ever since the announcement of the PS payment.” I apologize once again as a.”

Seongsu Bae, reporter Hankyung.com [email protected]

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