Winfrey “It wasn’t the queens who came up with the arche skin color

Sending time2021-03-09 00:10


“The big reason why racism left the UK… British tabloids are intolerant”

(London = Yonhap News) Correspondent Choi Yoon-jung = US broadcaster Oprah Winfrey, an American broadcaster who interviewed Prince Harry’s couple in the UK, said on the 8th (local time) that it was not the queen and the couple who talked about the skin color of their sons, the BBC reported.

According to reports, Winfrey told CBS that Prince Harry “didn’t tell us who said that,” but “we wanted to make it clear that it wasn’t the Queen’s couple and let them know when the opportunity came.”

He added that he tried to find out who was speaking during recording or even when the camera was turned off, but he did not get an answer in the end.

Prince Harry and his wife interviewed CBS after breaking up with the British royal family
Prince Harry and his wife interviewed CBS after breaking up with the British royal family

(Los Angeles Reuters = Yonhap News) Prince Harry and Princess Meghan Markle, who are living in the United States after breaking up with the British royal family, give an exclusive interview with famous broadcaster Oprah Winfrey. The two-hour interview was aired on the US CBS on the 7th (local time) at 8pm, prime time. As a queen, Markle had to remain silent, unprotected from the royal family, and raised suspicion of racial discrimination that the royal family did not want to accept her son Archie as royalty because of concerns about her’skin color’. [하포 프러덕션 제공] [email protected]

Prince Harry insisted in an interview exclusively aired on CBS that “concerns and conversations came and went about how dark his skin would be when his son was born,” and “they didn’t want to make him a prince.”

Winfrey said she was shocked to hear this during an interview.

Along with this, in a new video released by CBS that day, Prince Harry was asked if he left England because of racial discrimination, and replied, “A lot of that.

He heard from a close friend of British press desks that “the UK is very narrow,” he said, “not the UK, but the British media, especially the tabloids,” he said.

Prince Harry and his wife interviewed by British media
Prince Harry and his wife interviewed by British media

[EPA=연합뉴스 자료사진]

“Unfortunately, if the source of information is corrupt, racist or skewed, it flows into the rest of society.”

Prince Harry and his wife have been in tension with the British public for a long time, and several lawsuits are in progress.

When asked what the British media had to do with other royal families, Markle replied, “It’s not the same as being rude and racist.”

“When it’s not true, we have a press team that defends it, and it didn’t work for us,” he said.

When Winfrey asked,’Have you got an apology from other family members for leaving?’ Prince Harry said, “Sadly not,” and said, “This is our decision, and we feel that we are responsible for the outcome.”

[email protected]
