Will the release of the world’s first LG rollable phone fail

LG Electronics released a teaser video for'LG Rollable' at the online'CES 2021' held on January 11th.  (Photo = LG Electronics)
LG Electronics released a teaser video for’LG Rollable’ at the online’CES 2021′ held on January 11th. (Photo = LG Electronics)

The release of’LG Rollable’, which was expected to become the world’s first rollable smartphone, is in danger of being destroyed. The biggest factor is the re-examination of the origin of the mobile business by the MC division, which manages LG Electronics smartphones.

According to the electronics and parts industry on the 9th, it was confirmed that LG Electronics’ rollable smartphone’LG Rollable’ project has been suspended. BOE, a Chinese display company in charge of supplying LG Rollable’s organic light-emitting diode (OLED) panels, held all LG Rollable-related projects.

It remains to be seen whether the project will resume, but the prospect that it will be difficult to resume is prevailing.

The suspension of the LG Rollable Project seems to have been the most important factor in the smartphone business environment of LG Electronics.

An industry insider said, “BOE is concerned about the utilization rate due to US sanctions from Huawei, the largest customer, so there is no reason to not do rollable projects, and panel quality problems can be improved somehow. It seems that LG Electronics’ intention was that the project was suspended.”

The LG Rollable is a smartphone whose display rolls around, and before unfolding it is 6.8 inches, and when unfolded, it increases to 7.4 inches. Following the’LG Wing’ with a rotating display, it was expected to be the second product of the’Explorer Project’, a smartphone lineup with LG Electronics’ new form factor.

LG Electronics unveiled an emulator for a rollable smartphone on the Android developer site in December last year, and in January, at the world’s largest consumer electronics and IT exhibition’CES 2021′, the product name of’LG Rollable’ was confirmed and a teaser video. It announced that the product release was imminent.

According to the industry,’LG Rollable’ was expected to be released in March or at the latest in the first half of the year. However, 10 days after the LG Rollable was unveiled at CES, the full review of the LG Electronics smartphone business became official, making it impossible to guarantee the release of the LG Rollable.

LG Electronics is currently examining the directions of its mobile business with all possibilities from the reduction of the MC business division to the sale (transfer of business, split sale) and withdrawal.

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LG Electronics said in a conference call for 4Q results held last month, “We are reviewing the direction of the terminal business with all possibilities open at the moment, and there is no final proposal yet.” “We are looking for the best solution considering that, and we will communicate as quickly and transparently as possible when the business direction is determined.”

Another industry insider said, “Although BOE and LG Electronics showed LG rollable teasing video in terms of technology display, it will be difficult for a finished product to come out.” “BOE yield problem and weak LG smartphone brand power are also obstacles, but now “It will not be easy to focus firepower such as marketing to rollables in a mindless situation where you cannot know what will happen to the LG Electronics smartphone business,” he said.
