Will the origin of Corona 19 be revealed… WHO investigation team arrives in Wuhan, China

Input 2021.01.15 09:37

The World Health Organization (WHO) international investigation team has begun to investigate the origin of Corona 19, while a responsible battle between the United States and China has continued for a year in connection with the global spread of the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19).

14th (local time) New York Times According to foreign media, the WHO international investigation team arrived in Wuhan, Hubei Province.

/Pixar Bay

The investigation team, consisting of a total of 15 people, was denied entry to China as two tested positive for Corona 19. Accordingly, 13 WHO investigation teams entering China will be quarantined for two weeks in accordance with China’s Corona 19 control regulations. During this period, the investigation team will conduct a study on serum and antibodies related to the origin of the Corona 19 virus after discussing with Chinese experts through video conferences.

WHO spokesman Margaret Harris said, “The investigation team is conducting an in-depth study of the route of infection for the first corona 19 case announced by Wuhan. We also investigate various animals associated with the corona 19 virus.”

He just drew a line saying, don’t expect the investigation team to find a definite answer to the origins of Corona 19. Harris said, “The research team is only presenting research hypotheses and directions, and this visit is not related to politics and should not be related.”

In fact, it is unknown whether the origin of Corona 19 will be revealed through this investigation. WHO dispatched an investigation team to China in February and July of last year to investigate the origin of Corona 19, but returned with little achievement.

Meanwhile, Wuhan, China, is considered to be the first place where the corona 19 massive infection occurred in December 2019. Accordingly, Western countries, including the United States, pointed out Wuhan as the origin of Corona 19 and raised the’Chinese responsibility theory’.

Reporter Kim Yeon-ji [email protected]

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