Will Son Heung-min recreate multi-goal 4 years ago against Wickham?

(Photo = Tottenham’s official SNS)

[아시아뉴스통신=이상진 기자] Son Heung-min re-challenges in the multi-goal of the Wickham match four years ago.

Tottenham and Wickham face each other for the first time since January 2017. In the game at the time, Tottenham allowed two points first, but the victory was achieved thanks to Son Heung-min’s last-minute reverse goal.

Son Heung-min succeeded in achieving the 100th offensive point in the Premier League’s career with the help of Season 9 in the match against Sheffield. He also scored 12 goals in the league and started to operate the scorer. Surprisingly, Son Heung-min is more eye-catching because there is no single goal scored on the penalty kick. He also said that Son Heung-min, who scored 12 goals with only field goals, surpassed Ronaldo and Messi.

Son Heung-min took a break for about eight days after the match against Sheffield. Because I had a long break, I was able to compete in Wickham. There is another reason why Mourinho is fiddling with Son Heung-min’s card. Tottenham met Wickham in the FA Cup’s 32nd round four years ago, because Son Heung-min scored both the team’s first and last inversion goals, becoming the first in the round of 16.

There is a possibility that Mourinho will save Son Heung-min as Tottenham is ahead of Wickham in terms of objective abilities, and a confrontation with Liverpool is scheduled after the game. However, Tottenham is unlikely to be vigilant because his goal is to win at least one trophy this season.

The battle between Wickham and Tottenham will be broadcast live exclusively on SPOTV ON and SPOTV NOW at 4:35 am on the 26th.

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[ 저작권자 © 아시아뉴스통신. 무단 전재 및 재배포금지]
