Will Eui-yong Eui-yong of’North American talks midwife’ bloom again on a spring day three years ago?

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Chief Justice,

Blue House National Security Officer Eui-yong Eui-yong is announcing the results of an interview with US President Donald Trump in front of the West Wing of the White House in Washington on the afternoon of March 8, 2018 (local time). The left is National Intelligence Service Director Seo Hoon. On the right is Cho Yun-je, Ambassador to the United States.
Ⓒ Blue House = Yonhap News

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“Good Evening. Today I had the honor of briefing President Trump on the results of my recent visit to Pyongyang, North Korea.”

The front yard of the West Wing of the White House at 7 p.m. on March 8, 2018, three years ago. Koreans in elderly black suits stood firmly.

And North Korea’s Chairman Kim Jong-un invited President Trump, and President Trump announced that he would meet with Chairman Kim by May.

This became a big news and spread to the world, and in fact, in June of that year, the first miraculous US-North Korea summit was held in Singapore. The meeting between the two leaders continued twice more, and the’spring of the Korean Peninsula’ unfolded.

The people who stood in front of reporters in the front yard of the White House above were National Intelligence Service Chief Seo Hoon, Chung Eui-yong Chung, head of the National Security Office of the Blue House, and Ambassador Cho Yun-je to the US.

Among them, former Chief Justice Eui-yong, who stood in the middle, was appointed as the new foreign minister on the 20th. At that time, he was the person who set the stepping stone for the US-North Korea summit meeting directly between Pyongyang and Washington.

“The deepest involvement in major policies such as North American negotiations and denuclearization for 3 years”

Immediately after the announcement, Chung Man-ho, chief of national communication at the Blue House, said, “Candidate Eui-Yong Chung is the best expert who has devoted his life to the field of diplomacy and security.” He introduced that he was most deeply involved in major policies such as negotiations between the United States and the Korean Peninsula for denuclearization.”

“Based on diplomatic expertise and insight, understanding and insight on policy, we will strengthen the ROK-US alliance and resolve relations with major countries such as China, Japan, Russia and the EU smoothly in the wake of the launch of the US Biden administration.” “We expect to raise our diplomatic horizons and status to the next level by firmly establishing and developing the peace process on the Korean peninsula and the New Southern and New Northern policies, which we put emphasis on.”

After the breakdown of the Hanoi talks, he stepped back to the forefront of diplomacy, which was once again in the Moon Jae-in regime, which is approaching the end of his term as “the best expert devoted to the field of diplomacy and security,” as Jeong said. There are many views that it is President Moon’s order to achieve the’spring of the future’.

It is true that the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs feels heavier than before, as experts in negotiations with North Korea and the United States came as ministers. Former Peace Planning Secretary Choi Jong-gun, who had been working with Jeong Nae-jeong at the National Security Office of the Blue House of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, came and sits first as the first vice minister.

With Chung’s coming as minister, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can take off the stigma of being a’Yeonjeong (Yonsei Political Surgery) Line’. Currently, Minister Kang Kyung-hwa and Second Vice Minister Choi Jong-moon are from Yonsei University’s Department of Political Science and Diplomacy, and Choi Jong-Geon is Professor of Science.

Meanwhile, former Deputy Secretary of State Tony Blincoln is appointed as the US Secretary of State, which he must deal with.

He, who had been in charge of policy on the Korean Peninsula in the Obama administration, said at the Senate approval hearing on the 19th, “I will start by acknowledging that (the North Korean problem) is a difficult problem,” and “I will review the overall approach.”

There are also some tense views, saying that the Blincoln Prime Minister implied a new approach to North Korea that deviated from the’top-down’ method of the Trump era.

However, he also said, “This (review) begins with a close consultation with our allies and partners, especially Korea and Japan and the rest, and reviewing all the solicitations.” It seems to be important to explain and persuade.

He also said that the issue of humanitarian aid to North Korea is “in North Korea, and in similar situations, we believe that we must be very careful with the people of the country in question and do what we can to alleviate their suffering.” Showed.

Foreign Press “Efforts to revive the deadlocked denuclearization dialogue”

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 North Korean Labor Party Chairman Kim Jong-un meets and shakes hands with Cheong Wa Dae's National Security Office Chief Eui-yong, a special envoy to North Korea.  On the left hand is President Moon Jae-in's letter and on the far right is Kim Yeo-jeong, the first vice president of the Labor Center Central Committee.

Blue House National Security Officer Eui-yong Eui-yong meets and shakes hands with North Korean Labor Party Chairman Kim Jong-un on March 5, 2018. On the left hand is President Moon Jae-in’s letter and on the far right is Kim Yeo-jeong, the first vice president of the Labor Center’s Central Committee.
Ⓒ Blue House

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Reuters reported on the day that “the Korean president nominated a former national security adviser who served as the bridge for the 2018 US-North Korea summit as the next foreign minister,” and “looks like an effort to help revive the stalemate denuclearization dialogue.” .

President Moon’s term of office is now about a year and three months away, and the United States is temporarily entering a diplomatic break due to a personnel hearing from the new diplomatic and security line. Will Jeong Nae-jeong be able to rekindle the’spring day three years ago’ that Chairman Kim Jong-un said?

Jeong Nae-jung issued a statement on this day and said, “I think it is the last chance to serve the country.” “I will do my best to ensure that the foreign policy promoted by the Moon Jae-in administration will bear fruit and the peace process on the Korean Peninsula can take root. “He said his aspirations.

Jeong Nae Jeong-ja graduated from Seoul National University’s Department of Foreign Affairs and passed the Foreign Affairs Examination (5 times), then served as the 17th National Assembly member after working as a trade negotiation coordinator in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
