Why Meghan Markle compares to Diana

  • Megan Ruton
  • BBC Newsbeat

Separate photos of Meghan Markle and Diana, Princess of Wales

The exclusive interview between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle of England’s Oprah Winfrey was an interview with many meanings.

Of particular note was the number of times Harry’s mother, Diana, was mentioned.

Meghan told Oprah that he had confessed the pressure to join the royal family to Diana’s friend.

It was because he thought that the internal affairs of the royal family could not be known to anyone except Diana.

The interview revealed the commonalities of the two women who entered the royal family.

Meanwhile, Harry said he feared “history would repeat itself” before they left the royal family.

Harry has pointed out that Megan is being targeted by the tabloids, just as Diana did.

Media coverage

Diana was one of the most famous women in the world, and her philanthropy and private life often made news headlines.

Royal author Katie Nicole said, “Diana has become an unprecedented royal icon. It was globally recognized and internationally renowned,” he told BBC Radio 1 Newsbit.

Katie added, however, that the attention Diana received was not always positive.

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Kate Nicole tells Diana that there are always paparazzi

Reporter James Brooks also said, “Diana was criticized by the media. He was the most famous person in the world, and the life of his sons William and Harry was always followed by a paparazzi.”

“Sometimes, the press and Diana had a good relationship,” he continued. However, they often complained that the media was too infringing on their privacy. It was a love-hate relationship,” he said.

Diana responded to personal media interviews several times afterwards, and some analyzed that he had aroused public interest by herself.

Meanwhile, Megan closed her personal blog before joining the royal family, and the interviews she had conducted so far were mostly about charity work she led rather than herself.

Katy said that while Meghan took a different approach from Diana, there were also glances to point out that Megan’s behavior was contradictory.

‘Having doubts about a quiet life’

Harry and Megan declared that they would leave the royal family in January 2020 while struggling in the media’s attention.

The two later moved to Canada and California, USA, and recently announced that they would not return to England as a member of the royal family.

But Katie pointed out the contradiction, saying that while Megan left the royal family and stayed in the United States, she “exposed much more to the press than she had shown in Britain.

The two started a Spotify podcast after retiring from royal affairs, signed a contract with Netflix, and conducted interviews with James Calden and Oprah Winfrey.

“People want a quiet life,” Katy said. “People who have left England are asking why “Why are you going to talk about their son while enjoying the favor of James Calden and Oprah Winfrey?”

“The idea that Harry and Meghan left the UK because of excessive media interest doesn’t feel like the truth to the public who sees them more than ever,” he added.

Harry told Oprah that he had no intention of signing a Spotify deal with Netflix, but his family was forced to “cut off all financial aid” in early 2020.

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Diana is the world’s most’photographed’ person

Diana’s Death and Paparazzi

James said, “Where Diana goes, there are always journalists and photographers who document every single step of her.”

He believes Harry’s opinion of the media may have been influenced at the time of Diana’s death.

“Harry and William’s thoughts about the media must have been heavily polluted by the death of their mother. Because my mother died while being chased by a paparazzi.”

Diana died on August 31, 1997 in a car accident in a tunnel in Paris.

Harry was 12 years old at the time.

Henri Paul, the driver at the time, was drunk, and the car was being chased by several paparazzi motorcycles.

Diana’s death was later concluded as a death due to gross negligence.

In a 2017 BBC documentary, Harry confessed, “One of the hardest things to understand is that the people who chased their mother in the tunnel are the people who filmed their mother dying in the back seat of the car.”

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Harry said the tabloid’s behavior in dealing with Magan was’bullying’

Negative reporting

Katie still believes that Megan “is not chased by a paparazzi like Diana.”

But he also said it was obvious that Harry was fed up with the media criticizing Meghan.

“Harry attacked reporters who kept making negative stories about his wife.”

“There were a lot of negative stories about spending. The cost of renovating the house was covered by tax, and so on.”

Afterwards, the couple paid back the cost of repair work, which is known to have cost about 2.4 million pounds (about 3.545 billion won).

“There was a lot of talk about Megan’s designer clothes. It was clothes that cost tens of thousands of pounds.”

“There was also a story related to marriage. There were rumors that Megan had asked for an air purifier to be attached to the St. There were also rumors that Megan was annoyed with the tiara crown decision. There were also rumors that Megan and Kate fought in the bridal dressing room.

Meghan refuted that day to Oprah that the rumors in the dressing room were completely contrary to the facts.

“A few days before the wedding, Kate was dissatisfied with the bridesmaid’s dress, and I cried,” Meghan said, but later said that Kate had brought flowers, apologized, and delivered the desired corrections.

He said that Kate is a “good guy” and hopes he too hopes the false story will be corrected.

‘A person familiar with public interest’

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Katie explained that Prince Harry was very protective of Megan.

Some argue that Meghan, unlike Diana, is familiar with public interest.

This is because he has been a famous actor as an actor even before he married Harry.

But Katie disagrees.

“Megan has lived the celebrity lifestyle, but I don’t think it’s comparable to the royal life,” he said.

Katie continued, “It’s true that I lived as a celebrity, but I wasn’t an A-class actor like Angelina Jolie or Nicole Kidman.

He himself said he had never received this much attention.”

“Megan has reached the same standard as other royal members,” he said. “People don’t remember it well, but Prince William’s wife Kate also had a difficult time because of the tabloids.”

Katy said that deciding where to put the line in the presence of clear public interest is a daunting task.

“It is the media’s duty to report on the royal family. But it must be fair and neutral.”
