Why Jung In adopted an adoptive parent, irresponsible… Expert Analysis Bonnie

While the nationwide sadness and anger about the’Jung In-i incident’ did not go away, an expert analysis on the psychology of Jung In-yi’s adoptive parents came out and drew attention.

On the night of the 23rd, in SBS’I want to know that’, a follow-up report was made on the’Jung In-i Incident’ titled’I’m sorry Jung In-ah, and the way our anger should go’.

During the broadcast on this day, an expert analysis of the reason that Jung-in enforced adoption by her adoptive parents was also released. Jung-in said, “It doesn’t seem like that,” over the suspicion that her adoptive parents adopted a child to receive multi-child benefits from the housing subscription.

An expert said, “The apartment is not subject to subscription. However, the region is overheated with speculation, so loan restrictions are severe. I received the maximum amount of bonds, but there was no multi-child benefit. However, I received a preferential interest rate of 0.3%. I am making a profit of about 48,500 won per month. “I explained.

An acquaintance of Mr. Jang, who is a woolly mother, said, “Jeong-in said that she hated pregnancy and hated children. But he said he wanted to make a younger brother of the same sex to his eldest daughter. But people who saw taking care of the first were opposed. But when he was a child He said it was his dream, and it was like filling a bucket list.”

In response, experts speculated that “Jeong-in was a consumable to earn praise for having adopted. He had a desire to show that he lived a devoted and socially desirable life.”

Earlier, PD Dongwon Lee of’GR’ gave a similar answer to the question’What is the real reason for adopting Jung In-yi’ on his YouTube broadcast.

“I want to ask directly, but I couldn’t see Mr. Jang’s arrested,” Lee said. “There is a story that was the most embarrassing.”

“I heard from a cafe owner that Jung In entered the cafe and said,’Hello, I adopted my child.’” said one PD. “From the boss’s point of view,’I didn’t ask, why are you talking about adoption?’ I heard the story. I heard a similar episode 3 or 4 more times,” he said.

(Reporter Jihye Kim, SBS Entertainment News)
