Why is Ryu Ho-jeong accused of being a’hypocrite’?-Media Today

Prior to the general election last year, the Justice Party set its motto to be’just like a justice party’.

Citizens and supporters accepted this this way. In the last 20s of the National Assembly, the Justice Party admitted that it remained in the’Yeouido politics’ according to their political interests, no different from the existing political parties, as a signal that they would jump into the lives of the common people with a low attitude. It is understandable in this context that the company strongly insisted on the passage of the Act on Punishment for Severe Accidents in the second half of last year.

However, the problem of non-regular workers broke out in less than a year after the National Assembly opened. Ryu Ho-jeong, a former secretary who was dismissed from the Justice Party’s office, insisted on unfair dismissal, and it was also argued that there was a long working period. The Justice Party is also the co-director of the unfair dismissal case, in that Ryu was the No. 1 proportional representative of the Justice Party, that is, the symbol of the Justice Party in the last general election, as well as the fact that it was known to the media without being resolved within the party.

Rep. Ryu said on the 29th of last month that there was a procedural mistake in the process of notifying the dismissal, but there was an agreement after that and the misunderstanding was resolved. The former secretary disagreed. Rather, he asserted that he would reaffirm unfair dismissal and sue the Party Disciplinary Committee. Rep. Ryu mentioned the secretary’s’propensity’ in the process of clarification. Rep. Ryu’s fault is obvious by the appearance of hiding without clear explanation.

The reason for the public opinion that it is hypocritical toward Congressman Ryu is linked to the criticism that the labor agenda was consumed only as a political item. According to the data obtained by Media Today’s request to disclose information to the Ministry of State and Company, Assemblyman Ryu executed 29700 won in the name of’policy meeting to abolish the comprehensive wage system that induces long-time labor and infringes workers’ health rights’ . The former secretary insisted that he was asked to go to work at 7 o’clock the next morning even after leaving work at 12 o’clock the night before. On September 18, last year, 29,140 won was executed in the name of a’conference with non-regular workers at a coal-fired power plant’, and 10,5550 won was spent on the 23rd of the same month as a’work-safety-related site visit for KEPCO electric power workers.

▲ President Moon Jae-in enters the main office to give a corrective speech on the budget for 2021 at the National Assembly on October 28 last year, and is watching a one-man demonstration calling for the enactment of the Severe Accident Business Penalty Act.  Photo = Voice of the People, Joint Coverage Photo
▲ President Moon Jae-in enters the main office to give a corrective speech on the budget for 2021 at the National Assembly on October 28 last year and is seeing a one-man demonstration calling for the enactment of the Severe Accident Corporate Punishment Act. Photo = Voice of the People, Joint Coverage Photo

Contingent workers at coal-fired power plants are the issue of’outsourced risk’ represented by the late Kim Yong-gyun. Along with this move, Rep. Ryu dressed as a worker Kim Yong-gyun and held a one-man demonstration. On October 28, last year, President Moon Jae-in, who attended the National Assembly for a municipal speech, asked “Do you remember the Kim Yong-gyun worker?”

On October 30, last year, Assemblyman Ryu executed 297,700 won for the reason for’the National Assembly information equipment maintenance and call center worker meeting’. Rep. Ryu pointed out the problem of non-regular workers in the National Assembly computer workers belonging to the outsourcing company, whose state affairs office is the prime minister, and said, “I was embarrassed to hear the appeals of those closest to me.” The problem is that even closer, his aide is also a non-regular worker whose livelihood is staggering at a word. In the National Assembly, assistants are often expressed as the life of Paris.

▲ The National Assembly information equipment maintenance and call center workers meeting held at the National Assembly on October 30 last year hosted by the House of Justice Ryu Ho-jeong.  Photo = Ryu Ho-jeong's Office
▲ The National Assembly information equipment maintenance and call center workers meeting held at the National Assembly on October 30 last year hosted by the House of Justice Ryu Ho-jeong. Photo = Ryu Ho-jeong’s Office

In recent years, when members of the National Assembly dismiss their assistants, they give them time to introduce them to another parliamentary office or at least get another job. An assistant to the ruling party’s parliamentary office also moved to the parliamentary office three times after entering the 21st National Assembly, and the turnover process was not smooth, but it was not publicized at all and is still working in the parliamentary office.

Even if the progressive party couldn’t even create a system to improve the treatment of its assistants, it can be seen as the level of public opinion that at least it should not have created such a controversy. Rep. Ryu, a former secretary, insisted that she asked for time to get another job as a mother of three, but was refused.

Rep. Ryu said that he showed his communication skills and said that he called each other’s nicknames in the office and did not sternly call him’senator’ or’adviser’. He also boasted a deauthoritative appearance with free clothing, but internally, even if he saw the contents approved by Ryu, he did not follow the procedure during the dismissal process.

Some point out that the voice of a former secretary who insisted on unfair dismissal and the position of labor and management at the conflict workplace, which was commonly seen in the clarifications of Rep. Ryu, are seen. In this case, it is because the Justice Party itself expects to know more about what the reality of the case looks like, and on whose side a political party advocating a progressive party such as the Justice Party should speak out.

Jeong Ho-jin, chief spokesman for the Justice Party, said on the 1st, “The leadership of the party held an emergency interview with the party yesterday (the 31st of the last month) regarding the dismissal of the former secretary in Ryu’s office.”

The message was ambiguous despite hearing the person’s position. Chief spokesman Chung said, “In the future, we will clarify the facts of the parties and the relevant parliamentary office, and we will responsibly come up with solutions so that there are no unfair cases.” The lawmaker’s office is struggling,” he criticized.

Currently, Rep. Ryu is the senior vice president of the hospital and a spokesman in the hospital.

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