Why is Ottogi like this’Good Company’… ‘Shake’ in controversy over’Chinese seaweed’

Ottogi decided to voluntarily collect the controversy over the controversy over the mixing of seaweed from China, and announced an apology in the name of the CEO on the website. [사진=오뚜기]

[아이뉴스24 김태헌 기자] Ottogi, which was respected as a’good company’, is swayed by the controversy over the’mixing of Chinese seaweed’ by suppliers. Ottogi announced an apology on the 11th in the name of CEO Kang-Hoon Lee, but citizens are still disappointed with Ottogi.

According to the distribution industry on the 12th, the reputation of Ottogi, who had not raised the prices of common people’s food such as ramen for several years, and set an example by faithfully paying the inheritance property, fell in a moment due to the controversy over seaweed made in China.

Ottogi has been respected by consumers, such as being called’Gattogi (Shin + Ottogi)’. In particular, since the inauguration of President Moon Jae-in, it has attracted attention as the only medium-sized company invited along with 14 major companies. Excluding Ottogi, only leading domestic companies such as Samsung and Hyundai-Kia Motors were invited to this event.

Consumers have been choosing Ottogi products for this positive reason, but this incident quickly turned from a respected company into an object of criticism.

However, several problems related to Ottogi’s management have already been exposed. Regarding corporate management, some of the nation’s business sites were suspicious of illegal land use.

Ottogi recently received a suspicion of using a forest area beyond the boundaries of the workplace as a parking lot. At that time, local government officials were also disciplined in this case, and administrative dispositions were imposed on the factory.

In addition, Ottogi, who said that he would properly pay the inheritance tax, was charged with tax evasion last year. In fact, it was also known that the 4th Bureau of Investigation at the Seoul Regional Tax Office conducted an investigation on Ottogi. In addition, there are several media reports that foreign substances were found in food products sold by Ottogi.

Ottogi’s side clarified that “(related to the mixing of Chinese seaweed) and the seizure and search and treatment of seaweed medicine are not true.”

However, consumer anger does not subside. Ottogi’s stock price also declined to 585,000 won at 2:40 pm on the same day, down 16,000 won (-2.66%) from the previous day.

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety is also known to be in discussions with the Coast Guard over an investigation on whether Ottogi’s suppliers have’medicated’ for seaweed.

/ Reporter Taeheon Kim ([email protected])
