Why is Ahn Chul-soo instead of Kim Jong-in, just to win the Seoul Mayor’s election?

Kim Jong-in, Chairman of the People’s Strength Emergency Response Committee, gives a greeting at the’policy conference for gender equality in the workplace’ held at the National Assembly on the 22nd. Reporter Oh Dae-geun

Due to the unification of candidates for the 4/7 Seoul mayor’s by-election, there is a continuing war between Kim Jong-in, Chairman of the People’s Power Emergency Response Committee and Ahn Cheol-soo, the representative of the National Assembly Party. The need for unification is shared. However, it is hard to find a point of contact between Chairman Kim, who is trying to take the lead as the first opposition party, and Ahn, who has the upper hand in various approval ratings surveys. Former Representatives of the Power of the People Kim Moo-sung and independent lawmaker Hong Joon-pyo, who are watching this, are criticizing Chairman Kim. For what reason.

Kim Moo-sung and Hong Jun-pyo criticize Kim Jong-in side by side

Chairman Kim’s reaction to President Ahn’s eyes is baffling day after day. On the 22nd, Chairman Kim said, “I don’t think it’s very important” to Ahn’s proposal for the’competition result and the victory vows’. In the contest for the’Open Platform’ proposed by CEO Ahn, he said, “I have nothing to say anymore because I have clearly stated my stance on the contrary.” Chairman Kim’s comment is that he will consider unification with President Ahn after selecting a candidate for the strength of the people.

In response to Chairman Kim’s attitude, former representatives from the power of the people are taking sides with Ahn. Independent Congressman Hong Joon-pyo said on the day, “It is not desirable for the 1st opposition party to go up to the leadership and persecute the 2nd opposition party.” The previous day, Chairman Kim aimed at what he said, “As the first opposition party, we have to prepare for the next presidential election, so we cannot unconditionally follow the will of a specific person.” Rep. Hong said, “It will be a situation that pushes the people who will eventually be,” and said, “It would be nice to become a candidate for the 1st opposition party, but even if I became a candidate for the 2nd opposition party, the judgment theory of the Moon Jae-in regime worked as it was.” . On the previous day, former Congressman Kim Moo-sung of People’s Strength also appeared. He said, “Our party has already fallen into arrogance,” and criticized Chairman Kim head-on, saying, “The approval rate of the people’s power has risen slightly and the approval rate of the Democratic Party is falling. did.

Former Congressman Kim Moo-sung of the People’s Power is giving a greeting at a regular seminar on the 3rd to a Better World (Mapo Forum). News 1

Even in the cause of victory through unification…

The reason why Congressman Hong and former Congressman Kim are taking the side of Ahn and pressuring Chairman Kim is that the possibility of winning the Seoul Mayor’s by-election by unifying the candidate should be increased. The mayor of Seoul is an important gateway to the next presidential election, but their logic is that if the opposition fails to win, they cannot seize the opportunity for conservative reconstruction. In fact, former Congressman Kim pointed out, “What’s the use of if (CEO Ahn) says not to unify after our party (people’s power) candidate comes out?” Chairman Kim and other party leadership also agree on this.

However, around the non-Captain, centered on Chairman Kim, there are doubts that there is a different intention in the checks of heavyweights such as Congressman Hong and Kim Jeon. A non-capital official said on the day, “The people are expecting the conservative party to be born in a new shape, but is it more old-fashioned politics to pursue only votes with’unconditional unification’?” Inside the party, it is also said that those who say it is for the party are rather aiming at securing influence in the post-Kim Jong-in regime by shaking Kim Jong-in. In the case of Congressman Hong, who is actually aiming for the next presidential election, dissatisfaction has accumulated as it becomes difficult to restore the party under Kim’s system. Regarding former lawmaker Kim, the rumor of rapport with Representative Ahn has been steadily raised both inside and outside the party.

Jihyun Kim reporter

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