Why Iron’s Ex-girlfriend posted’Nicole Kidman’ photo on SNS

[이데일리 김소정 기자] Rapper Iron (real name Jeong Heon-cheol, 29) died. On this day, the deceased’s ex-girlfriend posted a photo of Nicole Kidman, a Hollywood actor, who is used online in the sense of’liberation’ and’freedom’ on SNS.

(From left) Iron, Mr. A Instagram

According to police, the iron was found by a security guard while bleeding at a flowerbed in an apartment in Jung-gu, Seoul at 10:25 am on the 25th. He was immediately taken to the hospital, but was found dead.

The police are investigating the exact details of the death of neighbors. The police said, “So far, we haven’t found any charges for killing.” It is known that no will was found.

On the day of Iron’s death, ex-girlfriend A posted a picture of Nicole Kidman, who is delighted with no comment, on Instagram. This photo was taken by Paparazzi in 2001 and depicts Nicole Kidman leaving after completing a divorce procedure with actor Tom Cruise.

In particular, this photo is used by netizens in the Korean online community and social media as’liberation’,’freedom’, and’divorce stimulating meme’. Some speculate that Mr. A is not representing the current heart of Iron’s death.

Mr. A and Iron’s bad luck dates back to 2016. In September of that year, while having sex with Mr. A at his house, Iron beat him and bruised him when Mr. A did not comply with his request. After 15 days, when Mr. A said goodbye, he choked and slammed him in the face.

In addition, Iron slammed him in the face and stabbed him in the thigh with a weapon, and threatened to “tell the police that it was you.”

On March 14, 2017, Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office 5th Criminal Division (Director Prosecutor Ki-sik Choi) prosecuted Iron on charges of injuries and intimidation. However, on that day, Iron insisted that the assault was the request of his girlfriend through an interview with a media.

Iron said, “The biggest problem with that friend is that she is a masochist with a sadistic sexual notion.” “At first, I was very surprised. They always demanded violence from me. I said that only that I am satisfied. The injuries were never assault. It was self-defense in the process of his friend’s ruthless violence.”

“I never ruthlessly violated or threatened women,” he said. Iron also revealed the personal information of the victim, A, through the interview. Mr. A’s side said that Iron’s argument was not true, but Mr. A’s photos spread online and were criticized.

The prosecution sought a one-year imprisonment for Mr. A, but the first trial in July 2017 sentenced him to two years of probation and 80 hours of social service in August.

At the time, the judge said, “The defendant denies the crime, but it is admitted that the defendant hit the victim with a fist in the case of the assault in September 2016. It is hard to say that the victim requested to be beaten as the accused claimed. I do not accept the accused’s claim.”

The appeal trial was also not smooth. The trial was delayed because Iron went into hiding after the first trial ruling. He was also absent from the first hearing of the appeal court. It was not accepted until 1 year and 4 months after the judgment of the first trial. At the appeal trial in November 2018, he was sentenced to eight months in prison and two years probation.

In September of last year, Iron was sentenced to a fine of 5 million won for spreading false information against Mr. A in an interview in 2017. The judge said, “It is fully acknowledged that the content of the article stating that Mr. A as a masochist (masochist) demanded violence from the accused and that Mr. A assaulted the accused is false.”

He added, “Although the article does not specify the specific name of Mr. A, it is clear that Mr. A’s job and the result of his job work are specified, so it is clear that the woman mentioned in the article is Mr. A.”

The incident, which took place in September 2016, did not end until September 2020. However, in the meantime, Mr. A had to be treated as a’flower snake’ in an interview with Iron.

Mr. A said on his Instagram in 2018, “I wish humans for doing things like X should be punished properly. The victim who accused him of doing something like X becomes bad X and his life is denied, but the perpetrator expressed his feelings, saying, “The perpetrator becomes a human who made an instant’mistake’.”
