Why did the instructor of the 1st Strike SAT set up a comment factory?

Park Kwang-il, a Korean language instructor for SAT.[사진=대성마이맥 사진 캡처]

picture explanationPark Kwang-il, a Korean language instructor for SAT.[사진=대성마이맥 사진 캡처]

“Do you like the textbook? I heard that this never works at the SAT exam.”

“Okay, why do you like it? There are a few people I know except for Daechi-dong Hyungang student (on-site lecture student).”

This is a comment made at Park Gwang-il’s `Comment Factory`, known as Daesung MyMac’s Korean language field for SAT. Park, who wrote a comment that slandered other instructors regardless of the company and other companies, fell from one-stroke instructor to a criminal.

Why did the one-stroke instructor of SAT, whose annual salary alone exceeds 10 billion, had to set up a comment factory in the Philippines?

The clues that led to Park’s arrest can be found in a video posted by Mathematics Lecturer Woo Hyeong-cheol (Sapjaru) in June 2019. In the video at the time, Mr. Woo revealed that Park made a new ID and slandered competing instructors.

In the video at the time, Mr. Woo explained, “Park Gwang-il earns 70% of the total (sales) share in Daesung. He is the head of a boy. Park Gwang-il feeds it.”

According to the video, Mr. Park teaches as many as 13 lectures per month across the country. In the field class, 250 people enter a classroom, and 500 students attend the class together, including a classroom that plays video recorded on a monitor. The tuition fee per student is about 300,000 won, which means that they earn 150 million won per class. With the addition of the sales of textbooks, the first instructor will receive tens of thousands of billions of dollars in annual salary.

At this time, about two years had passed since Park already opened a comment factory in the Philippines in July 2017. Park set up a comment factory in the Philippines to avoid IP tracking. It is known that Korean students from the Philippines have been mobilizing comments through a virtual private network (VPN).

The first-time instructor boasts an astronomical ransom price, but it is only possible if he maintains the first place.

There is not much information that candidates can rely on before choosing an instructor. The most representative are comments from famous communities. The reality is that it is possible to worsen the public opinion on the examination of competing instructors through comment manipulation.

This is why we fall into the temptation of viral marketing that even makes comment factories.

If you look at the posts and comments Park made with part-time students, his desperate feelings are clearly revealed.

Regarding the competing instructor, he wrote an aggressive post with slang words such as “Ooh, instructor XX XXXX is strange” and “It makes me feel sorry for replying to some of the testee XXX’s scratching texts in the morning.”

“I heard that the ㅇㅇㅇ instructor is good on the ㅇㅇ pass, but I asked you to read this and understand all the prints. If that is the case, there is no reason to listen to Ingang (internet lecture)” In this article, I posted a comment saying, “I don’t like the ㅇㅇㅇ instructor,” creating an atmosphere as if many examinees sympathized.

The instructors of the same company were no exception. He commented on the contents of the lectures of the competing instructors of the same company, and wrote, “That skill never works” and “Look at the previous one more at that time.” He even degraded the appearance of the instructor. “Ooh, I don’t mind that my front teeth are wide open. My teeth hurt when I look at them.” Comment manipulation was very tricky. The part-time student Park mobilized to manipulate the comments was “Is there a ㅇㅇㅇ Alba? He also emphasized that he was not a commenter by writing in a way that said.

There is also an opinion that it should not be viewed only as a personal deviation. It is pointed out that there is an atmosphere in the industry where the lecturer of his/her instructor is not engaged in illegal marketing activities such as comment manipulation. Seong-ho Lim, CEO of Jongno Academy’s Sky Education said, “Recently, not only are the instructors slandering each other, but also as academia-to-academy, slandering each other,” said, “If an instructor belonging to a company engages in slander, even the company’s top representative “There is a need for intense regulation to hold legal responsibility.”

[김현정 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
