“Why did my car insurance premium go up?” Insurance premium discount/premium inquiry at a glance

[한국금융신문 유정화 기자] In the future, drivers can inquire about car insurance subscription information and the cause of insurance premium fluctuations at a glance. In addition, you can check the date of a car accident in the past 10 years, insurance payment details by car insurance collateral, and premium premium scores.

The Financial Supervisory Service has established a’auto insurance premium/discount/premium inquiry system’ that allows you to easily check auto insurance subscription information and premium discount/premium reasons, and will provide it from the 14th. Auto insurance is a compulsory insurance that any car owner must subscribe to, with over 23 million subscribers. It pays an average annual premium of 740,000 won per car (as of 2020).

In the inquiry system, it is possible to check the driver’s auto insurance subscription information and the cause of the change in insurance premiums. Due to the nature of annual auto insurance, when changing insurance companies, it is often confused about the insurance company or the insurance expiration. At this time, if you simply verify your identity by text message from the inquiry system, you can check basic information such as the driver’s own vehicle number, insurance company name, and insurance period.

In addition, if you click the’Compare’ button in the auto insurance subscription information, drivers whose auto insurance maturities remain large can view the details of premium discounts and premiums for the entire contract and the current contract. Drivers whose insurance contract ends within one month can additionally look up the estimated premium under the renewal contract. In the past, when checking (inquiring) insurance premiums when renewing auto insurance, insurance premiums are often significantly increased, but it was difficult for consumers to determine the cause of the premium.

Past car accidents and legal violations can be viewed for the past 10 years at a time. In the inquiry system, you can check the date of a car accident over the past 10 years, insurance payment details by collateral, and premium premium points. In the case of a large number of minor accidents (three cases) in the last three years, the premium is greatly increased (50%↑), so even after insurance treatment, the burden of insurance premiums can be reduced by reversing the small amount of insurance at your own expense. Even after insurance treatment, the burden of insurance premiums can be lowered by reversing small insurance premiums at their own expense.

The inquiry system also guides the calculation method of auto insurance renewal insurance premiums. Drivers can understand how their insurance premiums are calculated and identify the causes of discounts and premiums. The vehicle types subject to inquiries are limited to personal private cars and insurance (light vehicles, hardened goods, and 4 types of cargo) subscribed to small-sized vehicles for personal use.

The Financial Supervisory Service and Korea Insurance Development Institute also suggested ways to save auto insurance premiums for the new year. Auto insurance has a special discount contract, so you need to check the special contract that suits your situation. First of all, if you do not drive a lot, it is advantageous to sign up for a special contract that discounts insurance premiums according to the mileage.

In addition, if a car is equipped with advanced safety devices such as a black box, a lane departure warning device, and a front collision warning device, insurance premiums of 1-6% can be discounted depending on the insurance company. You can get a 2-15% discount on insurance premiums even when you are expecting to give birth to children under 6 years of age. An official from the Financial Supervisory Service said, “Because the detailed standards of discount special agreements may differ by insurance company, it is necessary to check.” .

Reporter Yoo Jeong-hwa [email protected]

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