Why did Jeongjo make Kim Hong-do draw the Emperor Orangca?

‘Horyeo-do’ that Jeongjo made to Kim Hong-do

Kim Hong-do-pung Horye-do, who won 1.1 billion won at an auction in the US

Overseas Cultural Heritage Foundation exchanges and reveals the National Palace

Part of’Horyeodo Island’ depicting the hunting scene of the Qing Dynasty emperor. /Photo provided = Cultural Heritage Administration

Among the various achievements of King Jeongjo (1752~1800), who led the Renaissance of the Joseon Dynasty, the influence on the art was enormous to draw ‘Chukgado’ and ‘Horyeodo’ as new painting subjects. . ‘Bookgado’, which depicts antiques and stationery, centering on books placed on a bookshelf, was also placed in place of’Ilwol Obongdo’ after Eojwa symbolizing the king. As the name suggests,’Horyyeodo’ means a picture that an orangcae hunts. While Chaekgado means’munchi’, Horyeomdo represents Jeongjo’s political philosophy, emphasizing’military preparations’. It is known that both paintings were first drawn by member Kim Hong-do. Unfortunately, however, Kim Hong-do’s book map and horryeo-do are currently not delivered.

The Cultural Heritage Administration announced on the 18th that it will be released at the National Palace Museum of Korea by returning the ‘Horyeodo Palpompung (胡獵圖 八幅屛風)’ by Kim Hong-do painting, which was exhibited at the auction in the United States last year, together with the Cultural Heritage Foundation in Korea. The screen was 392 cm long and 154.7 cm high.This relic was introduced to the Christie’s New York Auction in September 2020, and was introduced to the Kim Hong-Dopa horryeo-do and returned home after a bid for 1.1 billion won.

Last November, at the Christie’s New York auction, it was won for 1.1 billion won, and was returned to Korea from the United States. /Photo provided = Cultural Heritage Administration

Why did Jeongjo make the hunt for the Orange Emperor?

Even though Kim Hong-do is the representative painter of Horyeo-do, his work remains only as a record in the’Executive Economic Journal’, a book of rural economic policy centered on Silhak in the late Joseon Dynasty (林園經濟志). Most of the screens of Horyeokdo remaining in Korea are painted as folk paintings. On the other hand, the reclaimed Horyukdo Island shows a high level of royal painting style, such as magnificent landscape expressions and elaborate character expressions, and is of high value as a work that can glimpse the beginning of the Joseon Dynasty. After analyzing the work, Byeong-mo Chung, a visiting professor at Gyeongju University, said, “The painting of the Royal Palace of the Royal Garden, which depicts the fall hunting scene of the Qing Dynasty emperor in the Kim Hong-do style during King Jeongjo, has the highest artistic completion among the horror islands known so far.” The historical significance is also great in that it symbolically shows the attitude of the King Jeongjo vs. foreign culture to protect the politics of national defense.”

This complicated and elaborate thought of Jeongjo was reflected on the back side of which he had to draw a hunting picture of the Qing Dynasty emperor by using the letter’Hu’, which is called’hu’. In Joseon, where China changed from the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, and suffered one after another with Jeong Myo-horan (1627) and Byeong-Jahoran (1636), there was a strong consciousness of rejecting Qing. In the late 18th century, when the newspapers of the Qing, which had grown into a superpower, were introduced, it became impossible to insist on seclusion. After accepting the opinions of the North Korean school, which was created by young intellectuals such as Hong Dae-yong, Park Je-je, and Park Ji-won, Jeongjo implemented an active open policy. It was’Horyeodo’ that contained a complex situation in which he had no choice but to learn the culture of Qing while hating the orange country.

The Qianlong Festival of the Qing Dynasty stimulated the chastity

The Emperor of the Qing Dynasty appears in’Horyeodo Island’ in Kim Hong-do’s paintings produced during the Joseon Dynasty. /Photo provided = Cultural Heritage Administration

It is highly likely that the main character in the reclaimed horror island was Qianlong, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty. Professor Jeong Byeong-mo said, “The blue leather suit has a delicate dragon on the chest and shoulders like a dragonfowl, indicating that he is the emperor.” “After Jeongjo dispatched envoys such as Park Myung-won to the Qianlong Festival in the summer of 1780, As much as it improved, the Emperor in Horyeodo Island, which was drawn as one of the North Korean policies, can be presumed to be Qianlong.” Park Ji-won’s’Yeolha Diary’ was also born with the meandering at the time. Jeongjo said that the Qianlong Festival made it possible to create a book cover based on the fact that the Qianlong Festival was designed to have a’dabo-gyeok’ as a display of rare items, so the relationship is unique. You can see the thought of King Jeongjo to lead the development of Joseon by accepting advanced civilizations without unconditionally rejecting the emperor of China, who had grown into the strongest country in the 18th century.

Professor Jeong said, “It can be said that Jeongjo was influenced by the Qing through the bookgado in the aspect of’mun (文)’ and the Horyeomdo in the aspect of’mu’. We identified unused weapons such as mace-shaped lotus leaf, spear-shaped partisan that doubled as a defensive function, and horseback martial arts, which is a horse-drawn horsemanship of the Blue, and this is a large training that can be compared to the current team spirit training that the emperor’s hunting is not just a game. It can be seen that it was one of them.” Horyeomdo and Chaekgado began in the royal family, but they spread to the private sector in the 19th and 20th centuries, and the technique was changed to a folk painting style in an auspicious way to call for good fortune and prevent evil.

At Horyeok Island, you can see the martial arts and weapons of the Qing Dynasty at that time. /Photo provided = Cultural Heritage Administration

Shall we go to see Horryeo too?

The restored Horyeokdo Island will be released from the 18th at the Royal Palace Museum of the National Palace Museum.

Horyeomdo to be exhibited is a connected screen composed of 8 widths on a silk background. The expression of landscape and screen composition is excellent, and the depiction of people and animals is vivid and very elaborate, so it is evaluated as a masterpiece among Horyeomdo. The composition of the folding screen, starting from the right, is the first to the second, depicted by the brushstrokes of a painter who has mastered the scenery of the autumn atmosphere, starting from a waterfall, and the third depicting the imperial women walking on the road in a gorgeous kiln. Width, △ The fifth width, featuring the emperor Qing in costumes with a white dragon engraved on a blue background, and the 5th width, featuring equestrian figures in various postures, △ A dynamic depiction of hunters rushing with bows at tigers and deer or wielding spears and weapons. It consists of 7 to 8 widths.

The Cultural Heritage Administration and the Overseas Cultural Heritage Foundation said, “Through this retrieval, it is expected to expand the extent of the study of horryeodo, which has been centered on folktales, and lead to a wide range of applications such as exhibitions and education.” “Return conditions for foreign cultural properties due to Corona 19 Despite this difficult situation, we will do our best to discover and redeem cultural assets located overseas, while actively disclosing and utilizing them as one of the government’s innovation projects to expand opportunities to enjoy cultural heritage and inspire pride.”

/ Reporter Sangin Ancestral [email protected]

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