WHO “There have been no deaths from the vaccine so far… Continue to use the AZ vaccine”

A Corona 19 vaccine and syringe developed by AstraZeneca on the 12th are placed in a pharmacy in Paris, France. Paris = AFP Yonhap News

The World Health Organization (WHO) affirmed that there have been no vaccine deaths to date, when more than 268 million people worldwide have been vaccinated against the novel coronavirus (Corona 19). The AstraZeneca vaccine, which has been discontinued in several countries due to suspicion of’thrombogenicity’, also said there was no reason to stop using it.

WHO spokesman Tarik Yasarevich said on the 12th (local time) “According to data reported to the WHO by governments as of March 9, more than 268 million doses of the Corona 19 vaccine have been administered.” No cases of death were found,” he told Russia’s state-run TASS news agency. “We are aware that several European Union countries have discontinued the use of certain batch AstraZeneca vaccines distributed in the EU based on reports of rare coagulation abnormalities after vaccination.” This is a precautionary decision made while completing the full investigation.”

“Corona 19 vaccine does not reduce deaths from other causes,” said Jasarevich. “Deaths from other causes will continue to occur after vaccination, but there is no causal relationship.” “The International Vaccine Safety Advisory Committee (GACVS) under the WHO systematically reviews all safety signals and concerns related to the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine, and advises the WHO through a meeting every two weeks.” The report is being carefully evaluated and, as soon as the WHO has a full understanding of these cases, the findings and changes to the current recommendations will be communicated to the public immediately.”

The WHO emphasized that there is no reason to stop using the AstraZeneca vaccine through a video briefing. Spokesman Margaret Harris stressed that “there is no causal relationship between vaccine and blood clots.” “You have to keep using it.”

Jinwook Kim reporter

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