‘Who is what kind of vaccine’ matching dilemma… “The government must be able to convince”

Concerns over social conflict over’vaccine matching’
Peak in the second and third quarters of increasing targets for vaccination and diversifying types
Experts “Even if the effect is low, it is better to fit it first”

On the morning of the 2nd, officials are busy moving to prepare for vaccination at the Corona 19 Vaccination Central Vaccination Center in the National Medical Center in Jung-gu, Seoul. yunhap news

The effect is good but distribution is difficult, distribution is easy but the effect is low, distribution and effect are good, but development is slow…

As the new coronavirus infectious disease (Corona 19) vaccine information was released, there are concerns in the medical community on the 2nd that a social conflict may arise over the issue of “vaccine matching” and who will receive what vaccine. It is because there may be a request that’I want to get another vaccine’ due to the problem of vaccine effectiveness. For rapid population immunity formation, individuals are not given a vaccine option, but experts advised that vaccine matching should be sufficiently explained prior to vaccination.

① Characteristics of different vaccines = So far, 5 vaccines have been released. However, each has different characteristics. Pfizer’s and Modena’s vaccines are well over 90% effective. However, distribution is difficult because it must be maintained at -70 degrees and -20 degrees respectively. For large-scale vaccinations for the formation of population immunity, the vaccine should be as convenient to handle as it is effective. The vaccines of AstraZeneca and Janssen can be distributed at room temperature upside down, so they are easy to handle, and Janssen vaccines only need to be given once. However, the effect is as low as 60%. In addition, the fact that the AstraZeneca vaccine trial had fewer elderly participants, and the Janssen vaccine clinical trial confirmed only severe prevention, not infection, is pointed out as a weakness. NovaVax vaccine is evaluated as a vaccine capable of catching’two rabbits’ due to its effectiveness in the 80% range and easy distribution. SK Bioscience also predicts the possibility of domestic production. However, it is the latest development, so we don’t know when it will be in our hands.

② Q1, what kind of vaccine is given to elderly In the first quarter, there are only two types of Pfizer vaccines that come through the global vaccine co-purchase organization’Cobox Facility’ and the AstraZeneca vaccine secured through a separate contract. This month, medical staff treating COVID-19 patients (50,000 people), nursing hospital residents and workers (750,000 people) will start vaccination, and in March, vaccinations will be started as medical staff at high-risk medical institutions and first responders (500,000 people) for Corona 19. Enlarge the subject. It seems simple because there are only two types of vaccines, but there are problems. It is because of the label attached to the AstraZeneca vaccine that may not be effective for the elderly. This issue will depend on the approval process of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety in progress, but it may be controversial if a clear conclusion is not reached just before the start of vaccination.

③ The peak in the second and third quarters of increasing vaccination targets = It will be more complicated from the second quarter. This is because the vaccines for Modena (for 20 million people) and Janssen (for 6 million people) come in. If the development and contract are well established, the introduction of NovaVax vaccine could also be successful. The number of vaccines can be increased to five, and the targets for vaccination will be expanded to over 65 years of age, welfare facilities, facilities for the disabled, and health care workers (9 million people) in May. In the third quarter, a vaccine contracted directly with Pfizer (for 10 million people) will also be available. From this point on, since general adult vaccination begins, the number of vaccination targets also increases significantly. The target for vaccination in the second half of the year starting in the third quarter alone is about 30 million people, which is about three times that of the first half. It means choosing the right vaccine for different health conditions at different ages.

④ Must disclose all vaccine evaluation information = Neither overseas nor the Korean government consistently gives individuals a vaccine option. Some vaccines are said to be’water vaccines’ because of the controversy about their effectiveness, but experts say that even if the effect is a little low, it is better to be right than wrong. This is because’collective immunity formation’ is the ultimate goal. So the government should be able to convince you,’I’ll give you this vaccine.’ Eun-mi Cheon, a professor of respiratory medicine at Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital, emphasized, “The vaccine introduction schedule should be as soon as possible, but it is most important to increase reliability by transparently disclosing the efficacy and side effects of each vaccine, as well as the list of experts who participated in the license and detailed evaluation details.” did.

Lim So-hyung reporter

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