Who is the candidate to buy eBay Korea? Dinosaurs in Korea

▶ Amazon’s long-term supplier Point Mobile is strong

▶ Amazon becomes the second largest shareholder by exercising stock purchase rights

Global e-commerce company eBay officially announced that it is considering the sale of eBay Korea. EBay is operating Gmarket, Auction, and G9 in Korea. Amid rising interest in eBay Korea buyers, the rumors of the launch of Amazon with the intention of entering Korea in earnest emerges.

According to Bloomberg News, eBay has “initiated a process to evaluate, review, and explore a wide range of strategic alternatives to Korean business. We are considering options to maximize shareholder value and create future business growth opportunities.” Revealed. Although eBay did not specifically express the sale of eBay Korea, it is analyzed that it was in fact officially formulated.

It is known that eBay has set the ransom price of eBay Korea to over 5 trillion won. As candidates for purchase, domestic offline retail dinosaurs such as Lotte, Shinsegae, and Hyundai Department Store are discussed. If you acquire eBay Korea while increasing your online commerce investment, you can quickly emerge as a leader in the e-commerce market. However, with domestic distribution companies drawing a line saying that they are not interested, Amazon, the global No. 1 e-commerce company, is emerging as a dark horse. In November, Amazon entered into the domestic distribution industry through a strategic alliance with 11st. Nevertheless, there were not a few in the industry questioning the synergy between Amazon and 11th Street. This is because it is difficult for the two companies to expect a great synergy if 11st cooperates only at the level of direct purchase of Amazon products. This is why I expect that if eBay Korea comes out for sale, Amazon will have no choice but to drink.

Stock prices also pay attention to Point Mobile, which has a long-term partnership with Amazon. Established in 2006, Point Mobile is a company that specializes in industrial mobile devices such as industrial smartphones and mobile payment terminals, and was listed on the KOSDAQ in December of last year. In July of last year, Amazon signed a contract with Point Mobile to supply industrial PDAs (personal information terminals) for 8 years worth 200 million dollars. As a conditional contract to buy and sell new stock, you have the right to purchase point mobile new stock as much as the purchase amount of the product. It signed a contract to acquire new point mobile shares for 5,124 won per share in proportion to Amazon’s sales over the next eight years. The maximum number of shares that can be purchased is 1.48 million shares, and it is known that if all of them are purchased, Amazon can become the second largest shareholder of Point Mobile.

[명순영 기자]

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
