WHO Expert Team Visits Wuhan, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs “Visit Wuhan Research Institute, Huanan Market, etc.”

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman emphasized “Expert team visit is for international research purposes, not investigation”



[아시아경제 임철영 기자] A team of experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) residing in Wuhan, China, is expected to visit the Wuhan Virus Research Institute, hospitals, and the angry seafood market to uncover the origin of Corona 19.

On the 29th, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Zhao Lijian said at a regular briefing, “The visit schedule of the WHO expert team will be based on the perceptions agreed in advance by the two sides.”

He added that “we will all go to the places mentioned” regarding the possibility of visiting the Wuhan Virus Research Institute and the angry seafood market. “The expert team will publish the research results to the public at an appropriate time.”

Next, spokesman Zhao made it clear that the visit of the WHO team of experts is for international research and not for investigation. It is interpreted by remarks conscious of Chinese responsibility theory.

“What I want to emphasize is that the activities of the WHO expert team are part of the Corona 19 research, not investigations,” he said. “The two sides have already exchanged several times with images.

“Since high-ranking officials and reporters from each country are not scientists, they must trust the expert team sufficiently and reduce unnecessary interference,” he said. “China will cooperate with an open, transparent and responsible attitude.”



Reporter Lim Cheol-young [email protected]
