WHO expert team initiates investigation in Wuhan… Will corona origin be revealed?

Go into quarantine in Wuhan… Infection route and animal research observation

In some cases, negative opinions such as restrictions on access to information spread

Corona 19 quarantine facility urgently installed in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, China We are installing facilities. On that day, one corona19 patient died in Hebei Province. Corona 19 deaths occurred again in mainland China in about eight months since May last year. [email protected] (end)
An international investigation team from the World Health Organization (WHO) arrived at Wuhan Airport in Hubei Province, China, which was identified as the source of the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) on the 14th. The investigation team will be quarantined for a certain period in accordance with China’s Corona 19 quarantine regulations. A WHO investigation team composed of multinational experts will trace the origin of Corona 19 based on virus samples collected locally and interviews with infected people./Yonhap News

The World Health Organization (WHO) international investigation team visited China on the 14th and began to investigate the origin of Corona 19, amid fierce battles between the United States and China regarding the global spread of the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19).

According to Xinhua News Agency on the 14th, an international investigation team arrived in Wuhan, Hubei Province, on the same day regarding the origin of the WHO’s Corona 19, and will begin joint research with Chinese scientists.

After arriving in Wuhan, a WHO investigation team composed of experts from about 10 countries went into quarantine for a certain period in accordance with China’s COVID-19 control regulations.

During this period, after discussions with Chinese experts through video conference, it is expected to proceed with serum and antibody research related to the origin of the corona19 virus in earnest.

WHO spokesman Margaret Harris said, “This investigation team will investigate the infection route of the first Corona 19 case announced by Wuhan and will also investigate various animals associated with the Corona 19 virus.” Harris said, “You shouldn’t expect this investigation team to find a definitive answer to the origin of Corona 19. Research on a critical infectious disease needs enough time.”

“This research team is to present joint research hypotheses and directions through brainstorming,” he stressed. “This visit is a work in the field of science and should not be related to politics.”

Previously, the WHO investigation team, composed of multinational experts, arrived in China on the 5th and planned to trace the origin of Corona 19 based on virus samples collected locally and interviews with infected people.

However, as the Chinese government hesitated for reasons such as visa issues, even WHO Secretary General Thewardros Adhanom Gubrersusus, who had been friendly to China, criticized the delay in entry.

Wuhan was the first place where the Corona 19 massive infection occurred in December 2019, and Western countries such as the United States have raised “China responsibility”, pointing to Wuhan as the origin of Corona 19.

Zeng Yi-shin, deputy head of the China National Hygiene and Health Committee, expressed his intention to actively cooperate with the WHO investigation team, saying, “China has been putting great importance on investigating the origin of the Corona 19 virus, feeling great responsibility, and researching based on the scientific spirit.”

China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijen also argued, “Since the coronavirus outbreak, China has been working closely with the WHO to clarify the origins of the virus in an open, transparent and responsible attitude.”

Secretary General Gubryeossus commented on the investigation team’s trip to Wuhan, “This is an important task to confirm the source of the Corona 19 virus and the route it has entered into people, and we look forward to working closely with the Chinese side.” However, even if the WHO investigation team visits Wuhan, it seems difficult to find out the origin of Corona 19 due to restrictions on information access.

In February and July of last year, the WHO dispatched an investigation team to China to investigate the origin of Corona 19, but it did not produce any results.

/ Reporter Park Woo-in [email protected]

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