“Who can pay these bills?” US Texas, murderous cold wave ’18 million won’ electricity bill bomb

On the 16th, residents in Albain, Texas, USA, are carrying firewood to be used for separation. Photo = Yonhap News

[아시아경제 김영은 기자] It is reported that the residents of Texas in the United States, which have been hit by the worst cold wave and storm in history, are suffering from double trouble due to the’electricity charge bomb.

Fox News reported on the 20th (local time) that more than 20 people were killed in Texas due to a cold wave caused by a recent severe winter storm, and major damages such as massive power outages and water supply interruption were taking place.

In particular, it was reported that some residents in the region received absurdly soaring bills due to the surge in electricity rates.

Ty Williams, who lives in Arlington, Texas, said, “I received a bill for electricity that is worth $17,000 this month,” and said, “Who in the world can pay these bills. It makes no sense.” Prior to the cold wave, he spent about 660 dollars (730,000 won) on average every month, including his usual house, guesthouse, and office.

The New York Times (NYT) reported that Scott Willerby, a veteran veteran who lives on a pension in a suburb of Dallas, Texas, was also charged an electricity bill last week of $17,750. Reportedly, he only had the refrigerator and lights turned on, and he didn’t use a lot of electricity, but he was charged 70 times the usual amount of all utilities combined.

A resident of Texas, USA, is cleaning snow on the 16th. Photo = Yonhap News

The reason for the soaring electricity bills was found to be due to the variable rate plan of wholesale power companies that receive electricity. The price of the rate plan varies depending on the electricity supply and demand situation, and the price has risen as the demand for electricity exploded due to a record cold wave.

As residents’ complaints hit the’electricity charge bomb’, Texas Governor Greg Abbott said on the 20th, “We can’t get people who have suffered for days in the cold to be hit by electricity bills.” Said.

The White House also announced that US President Joe Biden has approved the declaration of a major disaster zone in Texas, which has suffered massive blackouts and water shortages due to a cold wave. With the declaration of a major disaster, Texas will further increase federal support, including provision of temporary shelters for the victims, home repair costs, and low-interest loans.

Reporter Kim Young-eun [email protected]
