White House “We dealt with China’s issues in currency with European and Asian leaders

Input 2021.02.09 07:08 | Revision 2021.02.09 07:24

The White House announced on the 8th (local time) that when US President Joe Biden spoke with the leaders of allies in Asia and Europe after taking office, China was an important topic of conversation.

White House spokesman Jen Saki was asked at a briefing that President Biden had not yet spoken to Chinese President Xi Jinping, but whether this is part of the strategy.

US President Joe Biden/AP Yonhap News

“Part of our strategy is to talk closely with our partners and allies,” said Saki. “Of course, China was an important topic in this dialogue,” after recalling the fact that we spoke in turn with the leaders of Japan, South Korea and Australia in Asia. .

“He (Biden) also discussed China when talking to the European alliance,” he said. “It is part of the strategy to first contact allies and consult with Congress through these calls.”

Saki also said that when asked if China is concerned about China’s refusal to engage in a military coup in Myanmar, the US national security team has been in contact with many partners and allies, and that the US has taken swift action, stipulating that it is a coup.

“We are clearly concerned about the lack of dialogue in China (on the Myanmar outbreak) and the lack of a strong voice.”

Meanwhile, Saki said on the issue of returning to the Iranian nuclear agreement (JCPOA), “if Iran fully complies with the obligations of the nuclear agreement, the United States will do the same.”

President Biden pledged to return to the Iranian nuclear agreement, which was withdrawn by the former administration of Donald Trump. Currently, Iran is demanding the US to lift sanctions beforehand, and the US is seeking to fight for strength, such as raising Iran’s compliance with the nuclear agreement as a prerequisite. Is being waged.
