White House “public relations, coordination with alliances… reexamining the US-China trade agreement”

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The White House said on the 29th (local time) that the US administration Joe Biden is reviewing all measures taken by the former Donald Trump administration, including the first phase of the trade agreement with China.

White House spokesman Jen Saki, according to foreign media, said at a briefing today when asked if President Biden viewed the agreement as still valid.

“We’re looking back at everything the administration has done in the past,” said Saki. “Because this has to do with our national security approach, I’m not going to assume that things are moving forward.”

He explained that the US-China trade agreement is one of the issues under widespread review.

Regarding the US-China relations, Saki emphasized that “we are focused on approaching that relationship from an advantageous standpoint, which means coordinating and communicating with allies and partners on how the United States will cooperate with China.” .

This added, “We are deciding the best way to solve various problems, not only economics, but also strategic and security issues.”

US-China Trade Agreement Journey (PG)

picture explanationUS-China Trade Agreement Journey (PG)

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Saki also said President Biden had requested the release of Russian opposition activist Alexey Navalni, who was detained in a normal call with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the 26th.

Saki said on domestic issues, President Biden plans to sign an executive order to modernize the immigration system.

The move, he said, includes a task force that seeks to reunite families of immigrants separated from the US-Mexico border due to Trump’s immigration policy, he said.

The head of the TF will be appointed by Alejandro Mallorcas, Minister of Homeland Security.

Saki also said that President Biden was the governor to gain support for the bill in relation to the $1.9 trillion (2,82 trillion won) epidemic control and economic stimulus budget related to the novel coronavirus pandemic (Corona 19). He said it will take various creative measures, including cooperation with local government leaders.


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