White House “North Korean Nuclear Threat to Peace and Security… Adopting New Strategy”

Input 2021.01.23 08:13

The US White House announced on the 22nd (local time) that it would make full use of a’new strategy’, saying that it would conduct a thorough review under close consultation with the alliance regarding the North Korean nuclear issue.

White House spokesman Jen Saki said this to a question about US policy toward North Korea during a press briefing. ‘New strategy’ is the first word used, and it is interpreted as a prediction that the Biden administration, which was launched on the 20th, will pursue a policy toward North Korea based on a different route from the Donald Trump administration.

President Biden sworn in office on the 20th, / Yonhap News

“The president’s view is that, without a doubt, North Korea’s nuclear ballistic missiles and other proliferation-related activities pose a serious threat to world peace and security, and undermine the global non-proliferation regime,” said Saki. “We will adopt a new strategy for this.”

“This approach will begin with a thorough policy review of the current situation in North Korea in close consultation with South Korea, Japan and other allies regarding ongoing (North Korea) pressure options and any diplomatic possibilities in the future.”

President Biden has a strong negative perception that former President Trump met with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un three times, including two US-North Korea summits, but has not made progress toward denuclearization, giving him time to develop nuclear programs and strengthening the legitimacy of the North Korean regime .

In addition, it is known that the former President Trump pushed forward one-on-one negotiations with North Korea, thereby alienating alliances such as South Korea and Japan as well as China and Russia, which can play an important role in denuclearization negotiations.
