Where is my lifetime job… MZ generation rushes to the boss

SK hynix, which recently triggered dissatisfaction with employees of large corporations.  Photo = Yonhap News

SK hynix, which recently triggered dissatisfaction with employees of large corporations. Photo = Yonhap News

SK recently(309,500 +1.31%), Samsung, LG(110,000 +4.76%)There are many views that the’performance-paid rebellion’ of low-annual employees of large corporations was triggered by the MZ generation (a generation born in the late 1980s to 2000s) who value’fairness’.

They don’t see the company as a’lifetime job’, so if they think it’s unfair or contrary to the principles, even the high-ranking executives don’t put up with it and clearly complain.

According to the industry on the 14th, SK hynix, the epicenter of the incentive revolt of large corporations(126,000 +0.40%)In earnest, complaints arose when an employee, who had been in the company for 4 years, sent a complaint email to all members including President Lee Seok-hee.

This employee wrote, “I can understand the parts that have less incentives than competitors’ OOs. Then, what is the reason why SK Hynix has less incentives than’OOOOO’ and’OOOOO’ in all areas?” He also said, “If you can disclose the method of calculating the economic value added (EVA), which is the standard for paying incentives, please do it.”

Another employee of the company said, “Because SK Hynix is ​​not a leader in technology development, etc., employees are not asking for that amount of incentive pay. You shouldn’t talk about things like, “Give me an incentive pay for”.

SK Group Chairman Choi Tae-won announced on the 1st that’return of annual salary’, and President Lee Seok-hee sent an email to all employees expressing an apology the next day, but the controversy did not subside. Rather, the related issue is SK Telecom(246,000 -0.61%) And other affiliates.

SK Telecom’s union officially raised a question about last year’s incentive pay, which was down 20% from the previous year.

Photo = AP

Photo = AP

The situation is similar for other companies. It is pointed out that complaints are not revealed because of SK.

Samsung(81,600 -1.33%)Recently announced that the DS division in charge of the semiconductor business pays 47% of the annual salary, 50% in the IM division in charge of smartphones, 50% in the video display division in the consumer electronics (CE) division, and 37% in the home appliance division. .

Then, the employees of the DS division, who had the most operating profits last year, complained that they did not receive adequate compensation. Employees in the home appliance sector also responded that the incentives were not reasonable for the record-breaking performance last year.

LG Chem at LG Group(960,000 -1.34%)The employees of LG Energy Solutions, which were recently spin-off from, stood up. LG Chem’s petrochemical division is known to receive up to 400% of the basic salary, life science division 300%, and battery business LG Energy Solutions 200%. Employees in charge of the battery business are dissatisfied with the fact that the battery division has less compensation compared to last year’s record-high performance.

The fact that the MZ generation is good at’IT technology’, which expresses and quickly shares opinions on digital, such as in-house bulletin boards, social network services (SNS), and online communities, is one of the reasons this performance pay situation has spread rapidly throughout the business world.

As a result of a survey of 611 MZ generation job seekers at the end of last year,’whether they are aiming for retirement at their first job’, 61.5% said that they’do not aim’. 63.9% of those in their 20s answered that they did not aim for retirement at their first job, which was higher than that of their 30s (48.4%). 27.5% of all respondents who thought they could work from their first job to retirement were less than 3 out of 10.

Reporter No Jeong-dong Hankyung.com [email protected]
