Where has Park Eun-seok puppy gone Animal Horder Controversy Truth Workshop Issue

Park Eun-seok refutes suspicion of distributing pets
“The false remarks of someone you don’t know”

Park Eun-seok / Photo = Hankyung DB

Park Eun-seok / Photo = Hankyung DB

Actor Park Eun-seok actively clarified the suspicion of distributing companion animals. It seems that A’s claim, who raised suspicions by claiming to be a university alumni, is directly refuted, and the controversy spreads to the truth studio.

The controversy over Park Eun-suk’s habitual dissemination of companion animals began on the 26th, with the spread of an article by A, claiming that Park Eun-suk and Seoul National University of Arts alumni were alumni.

Mr. A said, “Because my girlfriend didn’t like it, the classmate who inadvertently said that he changed the beagle into a small dog came out saying that he is raising two cats and a three-month-old puppy in a one-person household program. Really. What about that little dog?” “It’s a work I’ve done, so it’s a reward for the result, but I really don’t want to do a performance that loves animals. I really hate people who handle animals or use them for image management.”

Earlier, Park Eun-seok appeared on MBC’s’I Live Alone’ and released a three-month-old retriever and two sphinx cats. She also posted photos of her companion animals by creating an Instagram account with her name, Moli.

As Mr. A’s writing began to spread, suspicion arose that Park Eun-seok was not an’Animal Hoarder’. ‘Animal Horror’ is a type of animal cruelty, which refers to a person who is too obsessed with collecting animals and does not take care of them.

The photos that Park Eun-seok posted on social media in the past were also re-examined. In 2014, Park Eun-seok posted photos of other pets such as two dogs including a poodle, two cats including a Siamese cat, and a hedgehog on his Twitter account. However, it was pointed out that these companion animals are not currently visible.

In response, Park Eun-seok said through a fan cafe, “Amidst a busy schedule, there are so many things that I want to be attacked at this time. It is curious and tingling that this happens to me.” “I am embarrassed about this situation that I have to clarify in the false remarks, but the conclusion is that other people are worried and the official position will go out,” he said.

Park Eun-seok /Photo = SNS

Park Eun-seok /Photo = SNS

Afterwards, the agency Hunus Entertainment strongly refuted that the controversy was distorted, saying, “The suspicion about companion animals raised as a result of the confirmation is not true at all.”

The agency said, “The poodle that had the first suspicion was a dog that Park Eun-suk had raised at the grandmother’s house where Park Eun-seok came to Korea and lived there.” “After that, the actor became independent, and he will live alone at the time. It’s done,” he explained.

“It was difficult for me to enter the company dormitory, and the dormitory was in a situation where it was impossible to raise pets for a group life. Therefore, Old English Sheepdog went to a house with a large yard for a better environment and sent it for sale. An acquaintance who knows the actor’s situation well requested that he wants to raise it, and was sent to him, and he is still interacting and confirming that he is doing well.”

“Park Eun-seok left the company’s accommodation and moved to a semi-basement studio. At that time, due to the elderly relationship of his grandmother, the aforementioned poodle was no longer allowed to be raised, and the actor was in charge of the protection. However, he could not raise it for a long time there. As the environment, the poodle was later sent to a close relative sister, and she is still in love with her relative sister.”

“Park Eun-suk is an actor who loves animals more than anyone, and knew that he had to take responsibility for his pets to the end, but he still has a feeling of sorry for the part that he couldn’t be with due to circumstances and circumstances that he couldn’t help with. He emphasized, “I always interact with my friends and communicate with animals.”

Finally, “The suspicion that the animal was brought from the dog shop and the articles related to the beagle mentioned in the community are not at all true. The companion animals raised were adopted through acquaintances and home sales, and the beagles are animals that have never been raised.” “We will take legal action in the future for false articles and slander about things that are not true,” he said.

However, even after Park Eun-suk’s refutation, Mr. A said through an interview with a media, “It is like saying that the act of driving me as a liar is like saying that he is not proud. “I will know the truth. I will take responsibility for my actions. “I will have to lose”, and the controversy continued.

Then, another netizen B, who said that he was an alumnus who had been with Park Eun-suk for 15 years, said through a fan cafe, “First of all, the writing of someone who first created this issue is not true.” “Park Eun-suk likes animals and finds a lost dog. He refuted that he was a person who wanted to retweet and help many people see it and wash his mother’s lost baby cats by hand and meet a good owner.”

He said, “From the beginning, I didn’t do anything like that of bringing everything in, raising it, and throwing it away. If that was the case, I wouldn’t have been able to establish a friendship with Eun Suk.”

Kim Soo-young, Hankyung.com reporter [email protected]
Article reporting and press release [email protected]
