Where does conception take place in a motel? Pathology Professor’s Quirky Questionnaire

Part of a basic questionnaire given to students before lectures by a pathology professor at a university in Chungnam.  yunhap news

Part of a basic questionnaire given to students before lectures by a pathology professor at a university in Chungnam. yunhap news

A professor at a university in Chungnam recently distributed a basic questionnaire containing some sexual expressions to students before lectures, causing controversy.

According to the school and students on the 7th, pathology professor A (64) asked 50 basic questions by email from students this semester before the start of the class. Of these, 7 questions were pointed out as absurd sexual expressions because they had sexual expressions that were not related to pathology. Some students even protested the school with feelings of embarrassment and contempt.

Question 22 was’where the conception takes place?’, and the answer was selected from’① uterus ② fallopian tube ③ cervix ④ motel’. Question 23 was’What is the proper size of male genital organs?’, and in Question 24,’What is the most important substance that causes sexual desire for both men and women?’ In question 29,’Which muscles are the most active in your body?’, there was an example of’①, etc. ② chin ③ eyes ④ muscles used in honeymoon.’

When asked to choose the best three of the physical activities, there was also an absurd example, such as’sex for both breakfast and lunch and dinner’.

In response, one student complained, “I can’t understand why I put this as a basic pathology questionnaire,” and “I’m so weird and embarrassing.” Another student said, “I tried to solve it several times, but I didn’t know the answer and intention of this problem at all,” and said, “I felt embarrassed and contemptuous.

Aside from this, Professor A also asked for a student photo to be attached along with a self-introduction letter that was not related to the major, such as the growth process and the view of religion.

Professor A has been teaching as an outpatient professor at this school since August 2019. When controversy, Professor A gave Kakao talk to the students, “The source of the basic question was the BQ test (a lucidity index) published in a book that sold 2 million copies in the United States as a best-selling Amazon 37 weeks in a row. It was intended to recognize the importance of physiology.” He explained. He said, “Some of the issues should have taken precedence by serious considerations,” he said. “I apologize to you.”

Professor A resigned at the school’s recommendation after the student’s protest.

Reporter Han Young-hye [email protected]
