‘Where do you go to work’… 63.6% of conglomerates “No new hiring plan”

New recruitment plan for the top 500 companies in sales in the first half of the year.  ©Korea Economic Research Institute
New recruitment plan for the top 500 companies in sales in the first half of the year. ©Korea Economic Research Institute

[시사포커스 / 임솔 기자] It was found that only 4 out of 10 large companies had plans to hire new ones in the first half of this year.

On the 7th, the Korea Economic Research Institute commissioned Research & Research, a public opinion polling agency, and announced the results of a survey of the’new hiring plans for the first half of 2021′ targeting the top 500 companies in sales.

As a result of the survey, 6 out of 10 large companies (63.6%) have not hired a single person in the first half of this year or have yet to establish a hiring plan. The proportion of companies that have not yet hired a new recruit is 17.3%, and the proportion of companies that have not yet hired a hiring plan is 46.3%.

In the first half of this year, only 36.4% of conglomerates had a new hiring plan. Even that, half (50.0%) of companies with similar recruitment size to those of last year, 30.0% of companies willing to increase hiring compared to last year, and 20.0% of companies willing to reduce it.

Companies that responded that they would not hire new recruits or increase the size of their recruitment were ▲ sluggish domestic and overseas economic and business sectors (51.1%) ▲ employment rigidity (12.8%) ▲ difficulty in securing talents suitable for necessary jobs (10.6%) ▲ labor costs such as raising the minimum wage They cited an increase (8.5%) as the reason.

On the contrary, companies who responded that they would increase new recruitment pointed to ▲the dimension of securing future talents (75.0%) regardless of the economic situation and ▲ increasing the demand for new industries or new jobs (8.3%).

Companies are expected to actively adopt occasional hiring during the first half of this year. Among the surveyed companies, 76.4% of companies said they would use occasional hiring in new hiring, an increase of 9.7%p from the same period last year.

Specifically, 38.2% of companies plan to hire new personnel only through occasional hiring, and 38.2% of companies plan to use both open and occasional hiring. On the other hand, only 23.6% of companies were willing to proceed with the open recruitment method.

Companies also pointed to the increase in the proportion of occasional hiring (29.1%) as the first in the job market trend outlook, predicting that the promotion of occasional hiring in the hiring market will be remarkable.

In addition, companies are notable for the reinforcement of career employment (20.3%), the increase in non-face-to-face employment (19.1%), the increase in new hiring using artificial intelligence (13.9%), and the increase in recruitment of human resources in the 4th industrial revolution-related field (6.8%). I picked it as a market change.
