Whenever the’Ki Seong-yong sexual violence’ exposure war begins,’Protecting personal rights?’ [MK시선]

Maekyung.com MK Sports Reporter Jooncheol Ahn

Sexual violence against Ki Sung-Yong (33, FC Seoul), who served as the captain of the national football team, has been raped, and the truthful battle is moving toward a point of view. In particular, there is a growing criticism of the change in the position of the exposer who alleges that he was victim of sexual violence by Ki Sung-yong.

Attorney Park Ji-hoon of Hyun, a legal representative for the victims C and D, who raised the suspicion of sexual violence by Ki Sung-yong in elementary school, released a press release around midnight on the 1st and said, “I propose to stop the wasteful public opinion fight and cover the truth in court as soon as possible. “The real truth of this matter can only be revealed in court, not in public opinion, and it should be revealed in court.”

Ki Sung-yong claimed innocence at a press conference held after the opening game of the K-League 1 in professional football on the 27th and urged the victims to “if there is evidence, I hope to release it as soon as possible.”

In response, attorney Park responded in a call with the media, saying, “I will disclose the entire evidence sooner or later as Ki Sung-yong wants.”

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The controversy over Sung-Yong Ki’s sexual violence is going to go wrong. It is true that there is also an increasing number of gazes that are not good at changing the position of the exposer. Photo = Reporter Kim Jae-hyun However, from the full disclosure of the evidence, the stance has now shifted toward concealing the truth in court. Attorney Park said, “There is an uncontrolled language going back and forth between the parties, and some media are reporting this stimulatingly and pouring out unfounded speculative articles.”

However, the beginning of the provocative revelation was on the side of the revelator. The content of irritating damage, such as forcing elementary school students to have same-sex oral sex, was exposed without filtering. Of course, there was no concrete evidence. Afterwards, Ki Sung-yong’s side also came out strongly saying that it was not true. Attorney Park said, “The fact that Ki Sung-yong committed a sexual assault crime cannot be moved.” “C and D know in detail the matters that they could not remember if they had not been dealt directly by Ki Sung-yong.

For example, there was a day when Ki Sung-yong exempted C from oral sex, and C remembers what Ki Sung-yong said and gave money to C under what circumstances.” It was on the side of the revelators who started the public opinion war in the media. Afterwards, when Ki Sung-yong made his stance again, saying, “Stop collecting public opinion and bring evidence,” after the opening game of the K-League 1, the evidence was released.

However, no evidence was disclosed. Attorney Park said in the last press release on the 1st, “In the evidence, there are many other people besides Ki Sung-yong and the victims. Even in terms of protecting their moral rights, I hope you understand that it is difficult to disclose evidence to the public.” There is no sense of belatedly expressing the issues that need to be taken into account when the disclosure begins. One legal official said, “We had to consider that there is room for defamation of third parties to disclose evidence, but it is unusual for an emotional approach to Ki Sung-yong’s refutation, saying,’I will disclose it as I wish.’

By requesting a legal response from Ki Sung-Yong’s side and changing the position to cover the truth in court, only the alertness of reckless disclosure has increased.

As Ki Sung-yong said, at the moment of disclosure, Ki Sung-yong became an unscrupulous criminal. Ki Sung-yong’s family is also shocking. So it became more important to find out the truth.

Who is the perpetrator and who is the victim cannot be determined yet. However, it is worth considering who was the beginning of the exhausting public opinion war and whether it was a revelation after being thoughtful and thoughtful about the possibility of infringing on someone else’s personal rights. It is also the same whether it was effective to expose the stimulating content of’forced oral sex’ without filtering.

In addition to trying to conceal the truth in court, the exposer must prove that the damage is true. Otherwise, another irresponsible treatment could result in unfair victims. The’or not’ type of revelation means that another person’s moral rights can be violated. [email protected]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
