Whenever the 3rd regulation law is enforced…與,’rental SOS’ to companies

◆ 3rd Disaster Subsidy ◆

When the government and the ruling party could not find any sharp measures other than the 1 million won disaster subsidy in the name of rent as a way to relieve the suffering of self-employed people, they appealed for the participation of large corporations. It appealed to so-called’enterprise leasing’ operators, such as distribution companies and construction companies, to participate in lowering the rent in terms of social solidarity.

However, the ruling party unilaterally enforced the 3rd Fair Economy Act (Commercial Law, Fair Trade Act, Financial Group Supervision Act), ignoring the voices of the companies, greatly increasing the burden on companies, and is now reaching out to companies again when urgent. Criticism is rising. On the 27th, Democratic Party Representative Kim Tae-nyeon said at a high-ranking party administration council on the 27th, “I appeal for the sharing of the pain of corporate-type rental businessmen who are relatively capable of loss.” “I also ask the government to expand it.” The term corporate-type rental business refers to large and mid-sized companies that operate large marts or shopping malls such as Homeplus and E-Mart on a rental basis. Large distributors and construction companies are representative.

However, some point out that this is not a careless demand as the business burden has greatly increased due to the recent enforcement of the ruling party’s Commercial Law, Fair Trade Law, and Financial Group Supervision Law, the so-called’Three Fair Economy Act’. A business official said, “Companies and economic organizations have appealed several times to think about employment and economy prior to the Fair Economy 3 Act,” he said. “At that time, I didn’t pretend to hear it, but now I’m trying to reach out again with a’social solidarity’. “Is the situation common sense?” Some distributors, such as Homeplus, are already taking measures to cut rents, such as applying a method of temporarily linking with sales for win-win with small business owners who have been hit by sales since the outbreak of Corona 19.

In addition, large companies are expected to be excluded from compensation for Corona 19 damage support, such as the 3rd disaster support fund. Representatively, ski resorts and hotels that have been restricted from operating due to the’strengthened 2.5 steps’ distance from the 24th of this month are not expected to receive business compensation.

A government official said, “It seems difficult to take direct sales compensation measures for golf courses and hotels owned by large corporations. In the case of sleds and lodging, which are private businesses, if conditions are met, the third disaster subsidy support will be possible.”

[이지용 기자 / 이석희 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
