When the’witch’ actor was worried, drinking was recognized as a minor… “Sorry to those who have been damaged”

When the actor is worried. (Photo = Gominsi SNS screen capture)

Poetry of actors. (Photo = Kominsi SNS)

Actor Ko Gong-si (26), who made his face known to the public with the movie’Witch,’ admitted to drinking as a minor and apologized for “I feel full responsibility.”

Contemplating said through his SNS, “I am sorry for all the concerns I had with my drinking pictures when I was a minor.”

Previously, in online communities, etc., a photo of actor Ko Gong-si took with his friends at a bar was released. The publisher of the post claimed that the photo was evidence that the poem was drinking while in school.

Contemplating this, he apologized, saying, “I am the person in the picture without any negativity,” and “I think it is unclear that everything is washed off like water just because I was a child, because it was the past of the past when I wasn’t mature.” did.

He said, “I am well aware of the inexplicable wounds that you will receive.” “I am aware of the wrongdoing of my past actions and I feel full responsibility for my appearances in the past.”

At the same time, he repeatedly apologized, saying, “Sometimes words are not everything, and my sincerity may not be conveyed, but I am sincerely sorry to those who have suffered damage due to me.”

On the other hand, when the actor is worried, he appeared in the movies’Cheese in the Trap’,’The Witch’,’Bongo-dong Battle’ and the dramas’If you like it, ringing’,’Sweet Home’,’Secret Boutique’, and’Live’. In particular, in the movie’The Witch’, which was released in 2018, she appeared as a friend of the lead actor Kim Dami and made a public seal.

Hereinafter, full text of apology in case of worries

Hello, this is Worried City.

First of all, I apologize for both the fact that I was posting this bad thing and that I was worried about my drinking pictures as a minor.

There must have been people who have supported me and wished I wasn’t me, and there must have been people who wanted to quickly admit that I was me. Without any denial, the person in the picture is me.

I myself think it’s opaque that everything is washed away just because I was young or because it was the past of the past when I wasn’t mature. We are also well aware of the indescribable wounds you will receive from this fact.

I am aware of the wrongdoing of my past actions and take full responsibility for my appearances in the past. Sometimes words aren’t everything, and my sincerity may not be conveyed, but I sincerely apologize to those who have suffered from me. We will make it more mature and follow the right path.

[email protected]

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