When everyone goes all-in at SK Basa, what is the stock held by the public stockholder?

Input 2021.03.22 16:08

“The public offering stocks’goers’ did not’consider’ with SK Bioscience. Rather, they aimed at Biodyne, which was listed at the same time. Since the offering price was relatively low and the competition rate was low, it would have received plenty of public offering stocks.”

Biodyne, a biotechnology company that faced face-to-face with SK Bioscience, which is’public offering stock Daeeo’ this month, is recording higher returns than SK Bioscience as the stock price soared after listing. Contrary to the movement of companies planning IPOs to avoid raising public offering stocks, SK Bioscience and the subscription schedule overlapped one day, but they achieved good results through a head-to-head confrontation.


On the 22nd, Biodyne, a manufacturer of medical diagnostic devices and reagent kits, closed the deal at 75,200 won, up 13.42% from the previous trading day. After listing on the KOSDAQ market on the 17th, one day ahead of SK Bioscience, the company’s yield after listing reached 150.66%. On the other hand, SK Bioscience’s yield after listing is 121.53%. It is about 30% points (p) smaller than Biodyne.

Biodyne had a lower competition rate for general subscriptions than SK Bioscience. Thanks to this, even if the same margin was paid, it was possible to receive a much larger amount of public offering stocks compared to SK Bioscience. The public offering price was also at half the level, so the minimum subscription amount was small and the amount of equal distribution was large. On the other hand, in SK Bioscience, investors flocked and there were people who received less than a week even if they were evenly distributed.

According to Daishin Securities, the listing supervisor of Biodyne, the competition rate for general subscription of Biodyne was 48.36 to 1, far below SK Bioscience’s general subscription competition rate of 335.4 to 1. The margin for SK Bioscience was 63.6 trillion won, but the subscription margin for Biodyne was only 181.362.15 million won. Investors who subscribed for the minimum quantity (10 weeks) for Biodyne also received 3-4 weeks with equal distribution. If you put 100 million won as margin, SK Biosciences received about 5 weeks, while Biodyne received 73 weeks.

In general, small and mid-cap stocks schedule listing to avoid large IPOs. This is due to the perception that if funds are concentrated only in Daero, the corporate value cannot be properly evaluated. SK Bioscience’s individual investor general subscription schedule was the last 9-10 days, while Biodyne’s last 8-9 days overlapped the schedule. In March, about 10 companies proceed with general subscription, but Biodyne is the only one that has set the schedule to overlap with SK Bioscience.

Regarding this, an official from the financial investment industry said, “There is a sentiment that’Let’s list small and medium-sized stocks to avoid big fish’, but Biodyne, which had a subscription schedule at the same time as SK Bioscience, is performing well, contrary to concerns.

On the first day of listing on the 17th, Biodyne formed an initial price of 40,000 won, a 33% increase from 30,000 won, and then ended at 42,600 won, an increase of 6.5%. This is a 42% increase from the public offering price. Biodyne, which did not attract much attention, surged from the second day of listing and received attention from investors. On the 19th, the third day of listing, Biodyne closed the market at 66300 won, recording an upper limit (30%).

In contrast, on the first day, SK Bioscience, which entered the stock market splendidly on the first day with a “higher price after the initial price was doubled,” fell 1.48% on the 19th, the second day of listing. On this day, SK Biosciences closed the transaction at 144,000 won, down 13.51% from the previous trading day, and the closing price fell to 140,000 won for the first time after listing.
