What’s the basis for the double seating… Appeal issues in the performance and film industry

Call for adjustment of rules for distancing the performance and film industry
Pointing out that the effectiveness of the sinking is inferior
“You can’t hit the breakeven point this way” Toro

Photo = Yonhap News

Photo = Yonhap News

From theaters to cinemas, there is only a cold air in the culture and arts world. This is because the government has extended the current “social distance” and banning private gatherings with more than 5 people nationwide until the end of this month to prevent the re-proliferation of the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19).

Although the ban on grouping and operating restrictions of some multi-use facilities such as cafes and karaoke rooms have been relaxed, the’float sitting’ in the movie and performance industry is still applied, raising a controversy over equity.

In addition, we were promised to restrict business until 9 PM and allowed one space to sit at the movie theater, but we applied a different standard of two seats at the venue because the performance was held after 9 o’clock. Accordingly, industry workers are appealing to realistically adjust the seating guidelines as there have been no confirmed cases in the concert hall.

In a recent Cheong Wa Dae national petition, a petition was posted saying,’Sit in two spaces in the performance hall, what is the basis?’ Petitioner said, “I waited for the regular corona briefing. I was hoping that the policy for multiple facilities in the metropolitan area would be eased. However, only the gymnasiums and cafes where the protests were held were mentioned, but the operation of the concert halls, etc., was not even mentioned. As of now, the two spaces as of now It is the maintenance of the guideline (only 30% of the seats are operated). Large and small performance groups have given up and canceled the performance and are acting for an unclear time.”

“There have been no cases of contagion at the concert hall so far. Even if the confirmed person has visited, there has not been a single case of infection. Under the consent of the audience, information can be shared and the movement line can be quickly identified. In addition, thorough quarantine and wearing a mask at the concert hall are fastened. “There is a strict ban on eating and drinking. They are not drinking even bottled water that has been allowed by the government.”

/Photo = Korea Musical Association

/Photo = Korea Musical Association

“The theaters that screen several times a day also have one space, but the theater has to sit two spaces apart, so the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism confirmed that the ban on groupings after 9 p.m. has stipulated that the theaters and theaters sit two spaces apart for the sake of equity. Do you think that once a day, at most twice a day, if you have two spaces, you think it is fair?”

Cheong Won-in said, “There is no need to take off a mask like a cafe or a restaurant. But what is the reason why it should be subject to stronger regulations than a cafe or a restaurant? Please make sure that the venue is operated with at least one space. He emphasized that it is the true desire of the unknown actors and those who consider posting plays as their calling.”

Musical industry workers are also urged to apply distance outside of companions during steps 1.5 to 2.5 according to 0% of transmission of infection in the concert hall. They raised their voices, saying, “Even though we actively cooperated with the quarantine guidelines, it is difficult to connect with the prolonged 2.5 steps of distance,” and “we need customized tweezers quarantine policies tailored to the characteristics of the performance industry and industry.”

The policy proposed by the musical industry is’to keep a distance apart from companions’. It is argued that the damage is severe because the audience sits two spaces apart in a performance hall where they are only looking at the stage without talking while wearing a mask when watching a performance.

It is known that musical performances can reach the breakeven point only when 70% of the seats are sold. However, as they continued to sit two spaces apart and only 30% of the seats were filled, they were directly hit by sales.

Photo = Yonhap News

Photo = Yonhap News

The movie theater situation is no different. The Korea Cinema Association said, “We need flexibility to keep the seats apart.” “I have to do it,” he insisted.

He then asked, “We need a realistic distance management plan to float 1 seat after seating 2 seats,” and “Please allow at least 70% of the seats to be operated.”

After the government’s announcement of the quarantine guidelines, a hashtag campaign called’#Performance, Culture and Arts_Don’t Ignore’ has also been held on social media, and not only industry officials but also the audience are voicing their voices.

One actor complained of the difficulty, “I couldn’t even upload a performance last year. I didn’t have any income. I don’t know if I could withstand more. There were more people working part-time around me.”

An industry insider stressed, “It is difficult to see couples because we have to seat two spaces apart. We are losing money the more we perform because we can’t attract more audiences. We need to adjust our quarantine policy in a realistic way.”

Yerang Kim, reporter of Hankyung.com [email protected]
Article reporting and press release [email protected]
