What is essential for the Myanmar People’s Uprising

More than a month after the coup, it has become clear that the Myanmar military is now an unforgivable massacre criminal group, and its head, Hulaing, is a brazen killer. Dozens of people have already been killed, and the number of injured and inmates is expanding to thousands. The thugs headed by the military are also committing terror by attacking protesters with weapons.

All of this shows that the military has nothing but violence to rely on since the coup has not been recognized by anyone in the Myanmar people for its justification and justification. They commit these crimes only because of their vested interests. They have already committed all sorts of crimes to adhere to the current system in which they monopolize not only the political power of Myanmar society but also the socio-economic power.

Therefore, it is completely wrong to find the roots of Myanmar’s military forces in General Aung San and his colleagues more than half a century ago. At the time, General Aung San and his colleagues at least devoted themselves to the struggle for national independence against the imperialists and tried to improve the lives of the people of Myanmar. It also promoted the Palong Agreement in 1947 to recognize the autonomy of ethnic minorities. The current military has nothing to do with this tradition.

Rather than confronting the great powers, they are trying to somehow join hands with them to gain recognition of their vested interests. Far from improving the lives of the people, it is also taking lives because it is not enough to destroy the lives of the people. They are the ones who have slaughtered ethnic minorities. Rather, they are dissatisfied with the recognition of minority autonomy and are rooted in the forces who assassinated General Aung San. That is why he is still confronting Aungsan’s daughter, Suu Kyi.

The claim that Burma during the Newynn dictatorship from 1962 to 1988 was’socialism’ is also a big mistake. The dictator Newin spoke of’the fusion of Buddhism and Marxism’ and advocated’Burmese-style socialism’ to justify military rule and one-party dictatorship, which was only the most bizarre distortion of socialism. Moreover, the current military has a different personality from Newynn. It is unacceptable to use’socialism’ as a mask of dictatorship, but it has been a long time since the current military has even thrown him away.

For a long time, the Hlaing military has been attracting multinational capitals by proposing’no union, long labor, tax exemption, long-term land rental, and one-stop service without regulation’. This is the reason why companies notorious for trade union repression and industrial accidents in Korea, such as POSCO, Hanwha, Korea Express, and Pacific C&T, have been flocking to Myanmar from early on.

▲ Min Aung Hlaing.  Photo = Tree Wiki
▲ Min Aung Hlaing. Photo = Tree Wiki

Therefore, it is difficult to agree with some misinformation and logic that leads to a passive attitude toward international solidarity, such as that it is difficult to view Myanmar’s struggle only with dictatorship-anti-dictatorship in terms of anti-imperialist or anti-capitalism. This is because the people of Myanmar are fighting against the military that has joined hands with imperial powers and multinational capitals.

It is a false story with no basis for claiming that Myanmar’s people’s resistance was bought by the United States or the West to check China, or that it would be beneficial. The U.S. had won a coup in Bolivia two years ago, but it has neither the will nor the ability to solicit popular resistance anywhere. In addition, the strengthening of democracy and the power of the people from below is something that all the world’s great powers and rulers, apart from the United States and China, will hate.

It is the women’s clothing workers, the Myanmar Confederation of Trade Unions (CTUM), and the many people who have been persecuted so far, including LGBTQ and minority ethnic groups, who are leading the current popular uprising. Therefore, we can never ignore this as a power struggle between the military and the NLD (National Democratic Alliance). In addition, I can fully sympathize with the feelings of the people of Myanmar going out on the streets with a picture of Aung San Suu Kyi. It is not a stupid follow-up for bourgeois politicians, but an ardent longing for the defense of democracy.

Of course, the attitudes of the United States and Western powers toward the Myanmar’s popular struggle may seem hypocritical. This is because there is no reflection on their past colonial rule and divisional rule. This is because the United States, which had been hosting a coup in Latin America until recently, is talking about democracy without knowing that it is embarrassing.

For those who remember the numerous deaths caused by the US invasion and bombing, the reality that Western countries and Western media judge the deaths to pay attention and mourn and deaths that do not may be bitter. It may be pointed out that the real reason the Biden administration is paying attention to Myanmar is to rebuild the blockade against China rather than democracy or the importance of life.

However, that cannot be a reason to reach out to the Myanmar military because of its desire for natural resources and the calculation to break through this blockade into the Indian Ocean and defend China, which is silent about coups and massacres. China is holding back even the UN’s resolution to condemn the military in Myanmar. It is Myanmar’s killer military group that is struggling to both sides while walking a tightrope between the United States and China.

All of them prioritize their supremacy and power and are not interested in Myanmar’s democracy. They subordinate the lives and lives of the people of Myanmar to their interests. Therefore, we must oppose all of these and judge the lives and lives of the people of Myanmar as our top priority. Any situational judgment and political line that subordinates democracy and the lives of the people to secondary things cannot be justified.

The people of Myanmar are now moving toward a strong solidarity beyond ethnic, religious, and sectoral differences. Even in the huge shantytowns in Yangon, countless slums are pouring into the streets to join the struggle. Tens of thousands of people have joined the struggle and are crying out,’Overthrowing dictatorship and achieving democracy’ at the risk of their lives. It also shows how the people of Hong Kong and Thailand have developed various ways of fighting against violence and blocking the Internet and apply them creatively.

Above all, the biggest effect is the general strike and the Civil Disobedience (CDM) movement, in which an overwhelming majority of Myanmar’s people are participating. This is really happening in all sectors: industry, distribution, transportation, education, healthcare, and the public. This is acting as a stronger pressure because the Myanmar military has dominated not only political power but also economic powers such as business and capital.

However, no matter how great the courage and determination of the people of Myanmar, if the brutal slaughter and division of the military continues, the resistance movement may be depressed and a crack may begin. There may also be limitations to sustaining general strikes and civil disobedience, as well as the end of income decline and unemployment. Most of all, business owners will leave the ranks and return to the arms of the military. Therefore, the international solidarity that the people of Myanmar eagerly appeal to must be built stronger.

Particularly important is the solidarity of the people from below against the alliance of the dictators of East Asia. Now East Asia’s alliance of dictatorships is concerned that if dominoes fall in Myanmar, dominoes will fall in succession elsewhere. This is why all the people of East Asia must join forces to defeat Tomido, the Myanmar coup army.

In this country, too, the government criticized the military, the National Assembly passed a resolution supporting democracy, and the KCTU also delivered a protest letter to the Myanmar embassy. But this is not enough. The KCTU, progressive political parties, and civil society organizations should join forces to more strongly and clearly support the people of Myanmar and take action to condemn the military. Korean companies that have invested in Myanmar should be pressured not to help the military. Fundraising should also be expanded.

It should be remembered that if the popular uprising fails to win and hope disappears, the intervention of foreign powers and powers will be accelerated. The defeat of the people’s uprising in Syria and the despair of the citizens resulted in a civil war and military intervention by the great powers, and the damage and aftereffects still persist. If you remember the long sense of debt towards people who died in isolation in Gwangju in May 1980, it is impossible to leave such a feeling of guilt against the people of Myanmar today.

#SaveMyanmar #save_myanmarpeople #StandwithMyanmar #StopCoup #RejectMilitary

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