What happened that day on the 15th… Jang Hye-young’s courage revealed sexual harassment

Jang Hye-young

Jang Hye-young

The Justice Party, the most progressive voice on gender equality and gender issues, faced the greatest crisis after 9 years of its founding due to the sexual harassment incident by Party leader Kim Jong-cheol. On the morning of the 25th, Vice President Bae Bok-ju, head of the Gender Human Rights Headquarters of the Justice Party, held an emergency press conference at the National Assembly on the morning of the 25th, saying, “We have come to inform you of very embarrassing and terrible news. It is a sexual harassment case by CEO Kim,” and said, “The victim is a member of the party’s lawmaker Jang Hye-young (photo).” He added, “It was the decision of Senator Chang to disclose the victim’s real name and respected it.” Following the former Chungnam Governor Ahn Hee-jeong, former Mayor of Busan, and former Mayor of Seoul Park Won-soon, the sexual abuse incident that occurred again in the progressive camp has a big shock wave to Korean society.

“Anyone can be a victim or perpetrator of sexual violence
Restoration of dignity, raising public issues to return to everyday life”

Sexual harassment Kim Jong-cheol resigned from Justice Party CEO
Representative Kim, inappropriate contact after dinner
Party Homepage·SNS “Betrayal, disband the party”
Shockwave following Ahn Hee-jeong, Oh Geo-don, and Park Won-soon

After the interview, statements of the victims and the perpetrators were released one after another. First, Rep. Jang said, “The shock and pain of damaging the dignity of a human being by a political comrade and trusted party representative was really great.” “The reason I decided to raise the issue and hold public responsibility in this way was because I believed that it was the way to restore my dignity and return to my daily life.” “If I hide the damage and live, I will be trapped in this case forever.” did. Rep. Jang also said, “The’victimity’ never exists. Any woman can be a victim of sexual violence. “There is no’perpetrator’. He added, “No matter how great he has lived or is respected by many people, there are no exceptions.” CEO Kim said, “I committed an obvious harassment. I sincerely apologize to the victims,” ​​he said, saying, “I request severe disciplinary action against me from the Delegation of the Justice Party and the current committee.”

Summarizing the two’s statements and an interview with Vice President Bae, the incident took place immediately after dinner in Yeouido, Seoul on the 15th. There were only two at the dining table. CEO Kim said in the statement, “This was a place I asked for. “While waiting for the vehicle to come out after eating, the victim made inappropriate physical contact with no desire and no consent.”

Deputy Representative Bae explained, “On the day of the incident, Rep. Jang protested against CEO Kim, and CEO Kim admitted to his fault and apologized.” Afterwards, President Kim conveyed his intention to ▶ resign from the party’s representative position and ▶ receive sexual violence prevention training ▶ and to make a complaint to the current committee of the Justice Party. Rep. Jang’s side showed that he should go through a delegation meeting, not a’self-filing’ method. It was on the 18th, three days later, that Jang informed Vice President Bae of the incident.

Kim Jong-cheol who shouted to eradicate gender violence… Justice Party “It’s a disastrous”

Chairman Kim Jong-cheol (right) resigned on the 25th after acknowledging that he had sexually harassed Rep. Jang Hye-young (left) of the same party.  The photo shows the meeting on the 4th. [중앙포토]

Chairman Kim Jong-cheol (right) resigned on the 25th after acknowledging that he had sexually harassed Rep. Jang Hye-young (left) of the same party. The photo shows the meeting on the 4th. [중앙포토]

Deputy Deputy Deputy Deputy Deputy Deputy Representative Bae reported on the incident to the party delegation meeting on the morning of the 25th after conducting closed investigations on both sides. Meanwhile, at a New Year’s press conference on the 20th of a year, CEO Kim emphasized gender equality, saying, “It is true that the composition of sexual power in society is overwhelmingly unfavorable to women.”

On the 25th, the atmosphere of the delegation meeting when he first heard the news of the sexual harassment incident was “a lot of surprises and disheartened” (Jeong Ho-jin, chief spokesperson). On this day, the Justice Party decided to file a lawsuit on the position of CEO Kim and the current committee, and Vice President Kim Yoon-ki decided to act as the acting representative. However, after three months of election, the party’s representative disembarked and the Justice Party panicked. The Justice Party website says, “I am embarrassed to be a party member. Criticistic comments followed such as “I feel betrayed” “It is terrible that the perpetrator is the party’s representative in the Justice Party, not other parties.” Justice Party social media even argued that “the party should be disbanded.”

Representative Kim in his 40s, the perpetrator, and Rep. Jang in his 30s, a victim, were troikas that formed the center of the’post-Sang-Jung Shim’ system along with Rep. Ryu Ho-jeong, a victim in his 20s. Kim, who was the last secretary to the late President Roh Hoe-chan, was elected as the representative in the on-call election last October, overtaking Rep. Bae Jin-kyo. Rep. Jang, who joined the Justice Party in October 2019 as a recruitment greeting, formed the core of the Kim Jong-cheol regime along with Ryu.

Gender equality and gender issues were the core identities they put forward in order to escape the controversy of the’Democratic Party’s two companies’ and pioneer a new path. For this reason, even when Jang rejected the condolences of the late Mayor Park Won-soon, who made an extreme choice after controversy about sexual harassment in July of last year, President Kim said, “Of course it can be done. The Justice Party should not ignore efforts to make a society safe from sexual violence.” In such a party, the party’s representative resigned due to sexual misconduct. Chief spokesman Chung said, “I will spare no effort to cut bones to create a gender-equal organizational culture.” For the time being, the Justice Party is expected to maintain Kim Yoon-ki’s job agency system. Chief spokesman Chung said, “The president’s term of office remains quite large, and according to the party rules, he has no choice but to hold a by-election for the party representative.”

Although it is a sexual harassment incident that should not occur, there are also evaluations that the development process and problem-solving method were different from other power-type sex crimes that flow through concealment or avoidance of responsibility. In particular, there is a response that it gave a resonant voice when Congressman Jang revealed himself as a victim and further said that the society should face up to everyday sexual crimes. Professor Lee Soo-jeong of the Department of Crime Psychology at Gyeonggi University said in a phone call, “The courageous confession that even a member of the National Assembly can be a victim would have given courage to many victims.”

Rep. Jang said in a position statement, “Why do even countless men living such a life fail so miserably to treat the woman in front of her as being equally dignified? We have to face this question and we must find the answer.” In this regard, a member of a women’s organization who wanted to remain anonymous said, “Chairman Jang’s cry goes beyond the simple scheme of’perpetrator = devil’ and’victim = weak and sad being’ in sex crimes, and how victims recover their daily lives and how to take due responsibility to the perpetrator It gives implications on whether to erase.”

In November 2011, when I was attending the Department of Journalism and Broadcasting at Yonsei University, it became a hot topic when I dropped out of the school after dropping out the ‘Declaration of Breakup’ criticizing the infinite competition. Afterwards, he produced a documentary film’When You Become an Adult’, which deals with the process of self-reliance of his younger brother, Jang Hye-jung, who has a developmental disability.

Reporter Song Seung-hwan [email protected]
