“What do you mean”… Expressway exclusive lane, vanity penalty quarantine violation contradictory

[사진출처 = 연합뉴스]

picture explanation[사진출처 = 연합뉴스]

On the way to return home and return to the Lunar New Year’s Day, the’vanilla ghost story’ is spreading around the online bulletin board.

On the 11th, in the online community, there is a story that more than 6 people traveled in one car to use the exclusive bus lane, and they were cracked down for violation of the’No more than 5 people group’ violation.

In one community, posts were posted saying that’all carnivals were caught on the highway’ and’Carnivals with more than 6 people were cracked down for violating an order prohibiting gathering of more than 5 people while running in a bus lane.

In response, the quarantine authorities explained, “It makes no sense that there is a jammed vehicle even though there has been no crackdown on the ban on assembly,” but such postings are continuously being published.

According to the Road Traffic Act, vehicles that can pass through exclusive expressway bus lanes are vehicles with more than 9 passengers, and can only pass when the actual number of passengers is 6 or more. In case of violation, the penalty is 50,000 won for a car and 60,000 won for a van.

However, with an order prohibiting gathering of five or more people, which took effect on December 24 last year, controversy has arisen as to whether vans running on bus lanes carrying six people are also a violation.

The order prohibiting group of 5 people also applies to general vehicles, excluding public transportation such as buses. Accordingly, 5 passengers cannot board the van.

However, during the Lunar New Year holidays, there will be no penalty for boarding more than 6 passengers. The quarantine authorities said they would not crack down on violations of the collective prohibition order.

An official of the quarantine authorities said, “It is true that the gathering of six or more people, unless they are a family member living together, violated the quarantine rules.” The police also said, “It only cracks down on violations of the Road Traffic Act, but does not crack down on violations of the collective prohibition order.”

[김승한 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
