‘What do you do when you play?’ Tak Jae-hoon → Young-ji, ‘2021 Living Together’… ‘More fresh laughter notice’

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‘2021 Living Together’, unveiled in’What Do You Do When You Play in the New Year Special?’, marked the beginning of the festival by uniting generations from the 1960s to the 2000s.

In MBC’s’What do you do if you play?’, which aired on the 13th, ‘2021 Living Together’, which came back after 20 years, was first released and caught the eye. In the laughter playboard opened by Myeongbulheojeon MC Yoo Jae-seok, entertainment veterans Tak Jae-hoon and Na Dae-ja (Hong Hyeon-hee), the new man-like prospects of crazy tension such as Lee Young-ji and Chu were added to the new year’s holiday. According to the audience rating research company Nielsen Korea on the 14th,’What do you do if you play?’ broadcast the previous day ranked first in the same time zone with an audience rating of 9.7% for the first part and 10% for the second part of the metropolitan area. In the 2049 viewership rating, which is a key indicator of advertising officials and a key indicator of channel competitiveness, it recorded 6.5% (based on the second part of the metropolitan area), ranking first among entertainment programs on Saturday. The best minute was’Reaction scene of Lee Young-ji and Chu’s new human race (18:59)’ and’The scene of the backstage of the archaeologist Tak Jae-hoon (19:08)’, recording 11.4% of the metropolitan area.

On this day’s broadcast, ‘2021 Living Together’ was unveiled by the meeting of entertainer Canolayu and MC Yoo Jae-seok, who returned after 20 years. Starting with Myeongbulheojeon MC Yoo Jae-seok and fantastic breathing Kim Jong-min and Defcon and Cho Byeong-gyu, the representative runner of’Jong Line’, the bright and attractive sensation of Jesse, hip-popular rapper Lee Young-ji, and entertainment-related grandmother Na Dae-ja (Hong Hyeon-hee) ) And 12 entertainment veterans and prospects appeared. Lee Young-ji showed off the twisting charm of a Confucian girl who greets at 90 degrees with a splendid reaction, and when Jesse asked the meaning of’living and living together’, she consistently showed a clear reaction and laughed. Seho Jo said, “I got a call from my mother. He said,’You can’t make love,’ he laughed with his self-destructive remarks. After that, Kim Seung-hye, who was a’some girl’, appeared, surprisingly revealed that a call came from Jo Se-ho after the broadcast, and from the start, the scene of’living and living together’ heated up. When Yoo Jae-seok introduced herself,’Girl of the Month’ Chu disarmed the scene with a lovely feeling, “Do you know me? It’s a gift”. Then, the lead role of’The Boyz’ caught the eye with the handsomeness and charm of the performance craftsman who admired the sortie and Yoo Jae-seok. When actor Kim Hye-yoon appeared, Cho Byeong-gyu was surprised, saying, “Why is this guy coming out?” As the last member, Tak Jae-hoon, the entertainment cheat key that Jesse chose as her favorite celebrity, raised expectations.

The first stage is the dance Shingo-sik, a warm-up corner. Kim Hye-yoon, who showed off her fresh charm through a girl group dance from Na Dae-ja, who was dragged down after a runaway with sexy dance, the main character who showed off the charm of the dance supreme with a charismatic dance performance, Chu, who showed off the dance skills of the goddess of cuteness, a unique hip Even Lee Young-ji, who accepted the stage with charm, attracted attention with the new and old entertainers’ Heungpoten stage. In particular, Tak Jae-hoon made a laugh with a hitch charm that couldn’t hold the timing and only start the engine, while Yoo Jae-suk disarmed the dance DNA on the stage and announced the splendid start of ‘2021 Living Together’.

Class 1 of’Dong, Living, Dong Rak’ is a tail catching game where unity is important. The confrontation was divided into’My Team’, where Jesse is the team leader, and’Jong-min,’ Kim Jong-min, the team leader. Hong Hyun-hee, who was in charge of the’bell team’, wore a bukcheong lion’s head and showed off her wild beauty, while Tak Jae-hoon said, “Are you not biting,” and showed a demonic mouth. Tak Jae-hoon’s expression’out of mind’ with his clothes torn and his shoes broken amid the desire to compete with the two teams who don’t lose his body is the best part. On this day, the frantic tail catching that caused a great laughter was the’Song Team’, with the outstanding performance of Hong Hyun-hee, the lion’s head, won the victory.

‘2021 Donggo Dongrak’ showed active activity from the beginning with the unity and high tension of the 12 members of entertainment veterans and entertainment prospects. It perfectly summoned the charm of’living and living’ in memories 20 years ago, giving a smile in the scene of the grand integration of generations. In addition to the outstanding progress of MC Yoo Jae-seok, who captures the points of laughter, and the veterans of entertainment such as Tak Jae-hoon, Hong Hyun-hee, Jo Se-ho, Kim Jong-min, and Defcon, they boasted the power of entertainment that they believe in and see as fun that encompasses the fresh charm and possibilities of entertainment prospects. From the stance stage of measuring body temperature and washing hands, the unique sense of’What do you do if you play?’ stood out with a surprise camera to catch quarantine and fun at once.

‘What do you do when you play?’ The production crew said, “’2021 Living Together’ is not a one-off, but looking for new faces in various fields to show a fresher smile in the future.” “Afterwards, the meeting of new entertainment prospects and entertainment veterans can continue through ‘2021 Living Together’. We are planning to do so, so please support us and watch.”

Meanwhile, MBC’What do you do if you play?’ is broadcast every Saturday at 6:30 pm.

/ Reporter Jung A-Hyun [email protected]

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