What are the stock tips from Korean Warren Buffett and the founder of Donghak Movement, John Lee?

TV CHOSUN <식객 허영만의 백반기행> Appearance

▲Photo. What are some stock tips from Korea’s Warren Buffett and investment expert John Lee, the founder of the Donghak Movement?

Founder of’Donghak Ant Movement’, investment expert John Lee

“It was easier to get rich than to study well~”

New Year’s special TV CHOSUN broadcast at 8 pm on the 12th <식객 허영만의 백반기행>(Hereinafter,’Alumni Travel’) goes to Myeong-dong, Seoul, which is called’Korea Top Land Price’ with John Lee, the founder of the’Donghak Ant Movement’ and investment expert. The dining table in Myeong-dong, the upper limit of’taste’ recommended by an investment master, will be revealed.

Daily Sooker John Lee said, “To celebrate the New Year’s Day, to convey various knowledge about’stock’,” <백반기행>“I found the restaurant.” In addition to the warm Myeongdong dining table, you can check the’Honey Tip’ of Korea’s’Warren Buffett’ John Lee as a bonus in this Myeongdong Baekban Tour.

‘Myeong-dong, Seoul’, the number one modern financial industry
What is the’taste’ of the neighborhood that moves’money’?
What are the stock tips from Korean Warren Buffett, John Lee?

In front of the Chinese embassy in Korea, the two eaters head to a place where customers are constantly visiting among the many Chinese restaurants. This house is a long-time favorite of John Lee, a self-proclaimed’water dumpling mania’. The special menu that draws customers to a cramped restaurant is five hyangjangyuk and water dumplings. You can feel the true taste of the five-hyangjang-yuk by putting it on the chewy meat and putting it on the chewy meat that controls the taste of cucumber, leek, and five-hyangjang-yuk.

Here, John Lee’s ‘Education on the head of the table’ was unfolded and attracted attention. “Invest in the company you want to have!” He did not spare any advice on his basic attitude toward stocks. From buying and selling stocks to preparing for retirement, John Lee’s generous tips will be revealed.

On the other hand, the story of his school days, which was different from the cotyledons of investment expert John Lee, is also summoned. John Lee confessed that “I made money by selling ice cream when I was in elementary school.”

However, there was an existence that kept him from moving, so he is nothing but a’wife’. John Lee laughed at his wife’s sudden phone call, without knowing what happened. <백반기행>You can check the internal situation (?) of John Lee who visited.

The upper limit of’taste’ recommended by John Lee, a master of investment, The dining table in Myeong-dong, Seoul, is today (12th) 8pm Special TV CHOSUN <식객 허영만의 백반기행>It is released in.

Financial Economy / Reporter Yoonjung Kim [email protected]

[저작권자ⓒ 파이낸셜경제신문 | 파이낸셜경제TV. 무단전재-재배포 금지]
